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<title>Loba Part I</title>
<p>Copyright 1973 by Diane di Prima</p>
<p>Drawings by Josie Grant</p>
<p>Photo of Diane di Prima by Robert Durand</p>
<p>LOBA, PART I is from a work-in-progress</p>
<p>ISBN 0-912264-69-1 (pa.)</p>
<p>ISBN 0-912264-70-5 (cl.)</p>
<p>This online edition was created by Alyssa C Dearborn in 2018</p>
<p>All rights reserved</p>
<p>This is one half of the original source</p>
<epigraph><p><hi rend="italic">"It would be very pleasant to die with a wolf woman
It would be very pleasant"</hi></p>
<p>-Tlingit Song</p></epigraph>
<epigraph><p><hi rend="italic">"A clever man builds a city
A clever woman lays one low"</hi></p>
<p>-Shi Ching</p></epigraph>
<p><figure><graphic url="https://flic.kr/p/25r3sfR"></graphic></figure></p>
<lg type="stanza"><l>if he did not come apart in her hands, he fell</l>
<l>like flint on her ribs, there was no</l>
<l>middle way, the rocks screamed</l>
<l>in the flowing water; stars dizzy</l>
<l>w/pain, if he was not</l>
<l>daisies in her hair, she stumbled</l>
<l>crazy over the stoney path between</l>
<l>slanderous trees; even feild mice knew</l>
<l>she called the shots, dimensions</l>
<l>of the obsidian cross he</l>
<l>hung on, singing in the sun, her eyes</l>
<l>cloudy w/nightmare, she grinned</l>
<l>baring her wolf's teeth. . . .</l></lg>
<lg type="stanza"><l>Who will describe the triumph streaming</l>
<l>out of her pelt, the symphonies</l>
<l>wind carried to her fine nose?</l>
<l>Her walk, graceful but never feline</l>
<l>shoulders moving as she strode</l>
<l>through undergrowth, dew from the ferns</l>
<l>wet her tits, her short, clear barks?</l></lg>
<lg type="stanza"><l>And if she bends, eternally, at tables</l>
<l>at wood tables in factories, fashioning</l>
<l>crosses of silver, this time, inlaid</l>
<l>with jet & abalone, will you meet</l>
<l>her eyes, she</l>
<l>raises her head. . . .</l></lg>
<lg type="stanza"><l>Is she city? Gate she is we know</l>
<l>& has been, but the road</l>
<l>paved w/white stones? her paws</l>
<l>are cut by it, the lights</l>
<l>blind her, yet she knows, she comes</l>
<l>to it, white porceline lining</l>
<l>dome of her brain, she flies</l>
<l>to it on broomstick, on gold mandala</l>
<l>platter or calendar, she sits, her tail</l>
<l>curled round her neat white paws. . . .</l></lg>
<lg type="stanza"><l>Signals. Does she stream, in</l>
<l> wind, her nose riding channels</l>
<l>of the seven rays, the planets</l>
<l>vibrating in her brain, the curling</l>
<l>canals of her guts? Strait as</l>
<l>her eyes, her spine</l>
<l><abbr>cd</abbr> be, but it curves, she curves it</l>
<l>around weeds, she lies down</l>
<l>in the sun.</l></lg>
<lg type="stanza"><l>See how her tit drags on the ground.</l>
<l>She steps on it. She <hi rend="italic">baaa</hi>'s</l>
<l>She keens, as an old black goat, waiting</l>
<l>blow of the ax. Feel head roll on</l>
<l>wet earth, blood spout (foutain)</l>
<l>from neck, strong as a column.</l>
<l>See her dance.</l></lg>
<lg type="stanza"><l>See the young, black, naked woman riding</l>
<l>a dead white man. Her hair</l>
<l>greasy, she whips him & he flies</l>
<l>thru the smoky air. Her hand</l>
<l>is in her mouth, she is eating</l>
<l>flesh, it sticks, snake wind</l>
<l>around her ancles. Her hand</l>
<l>touches the (wet) earth. Her hand</l>
<l>shakes a gourd rattle, she laughs, her fangs</l>
<l>flash white & red, they are set</l>
<l>with rubies.</l></lg>
<lg type="stanza"><l>see how old woman's tits hang down</l>
<l>on that young, lithe body,know the skull</l>
<l>in her hand your own, she eats</l>
<l>your eyes & then your brain. . . .</l></lg>
<lg type="stanza"><l>Hush, the old-young woman</l>
<l>touches you, she is gold, she wears</l>
<l>a peaked cap, vines</l>
<l>grow out of it. Her tongue flicks</l>
<l>at the corners of her mouth. She says</l>
<l>"The wite gold</l>
<l>almost invisible is made</l>
<l>from the red-yellow metal, it is</l>
<l>the Link." Bodies</l>
<l>pass out of hers, doubles</l>
<l>in silver, copper, iron. Glistening. They lick</l>
<l>their lips. They float on out. Her eyes</l>
<l>show waters parting a jungle, her arms</l>
<l>are vines around you, her tongue</l>
<l>is growing in your mouth. She</l>
<l>thrusts a finger deep into your cunt.</l></lg>
<lg type="stanza"><l>If you do not come apart like bread</l>
<l>in her hands, she falls</l>
<l>like steel on your heart. The flesh</l>
<l>knows better than the spirit what the soul</l>
<l>has eyes for. Has she sunk</l>
<l>root in <abbr>yr</abbr> watering place, does she look</l>
<l>w/her wolf's eyes out of your head?</l></lg>
<lg><l><hi rend="bold">SKETHCHES OF THE LOBA</hi></l></lg>
<lg type="stanza"><l>She stood in the dark bar trying</l>
<l>to turn him into a cobra.</l>
<l>To grow those three horns into</l>
<l>the old, familiar hood.</l></lg>
<lg type="stanza"><l>O the soft</l>
<l>red walls she clung to, they held</l>
<l>her only for a second, she came down</l>
<l>in a torrent of blood</l></lg>
<lg type="stanza"><l>It is snowing in the jungle of her pelt,</l>
<l>the crystals</l>
<l>Dance in her cavernous nostrils.</l></lg>
<lg type="stanza"><l>How he drew her down to pleasure! She left</l>
<l>the flickering ice for the candlelight to watch</l>
<l>him bending his head w/the weight</l>
<l>of invisible antlers. It was a role</l>
<l>she was tired of playing. In her</l>
<l>mind's eye she saw herself loping around Europe</l>
<l>naked & lean on the beaches, presiding</l>
<l>at gypsy festivals. She glimmered</l>
<l>black & white like some elusive</l>
<l>opal. Who <abbr>wd</abbr></l>
<l>brush donkey shit off her skirt, lick</l>
<l>the beach tar off her feet bythe flickering</l>
<l>grey seas of the north? In the candlelight she moved</l>
<l>her hands, her rings</l>
<l>played, she moved, her face, her mouth, her voice</l>
<l>fell like water on him.</l></lg>
<lg type="stanza"><l><hi rend="bold">THE LOBA DANCES</hi></l></lg>
<lg type="stanza"><l>She rises</l>
<l>in flames</l>
<l>it glows about her</l>
<l>The Loba</l>
<l>mother wolf &</l>
<l>of many</l>
<l>dances she</l>
<l>in the severed heads</l>
<l>that grow</l>
<l>like mosses</l>
<l>on the flood</l>
<l>the city</l>
<l>melts it</l>
<l>flows past her</l>
<l>white feet they</l>
<l>curl around</l>
<l>ashes & the ashes</l>
<l>sing, they chant</l>
<l>a new</l>
<l>creation myth</l>
<l>ghoul lips of</l>
<l>lovers she</l>
<l>like pearls</l>
<l>in the road</l>
<l>dances, see</l>
<l>her eyes</l>
<l>glow the</l>
<l>glows dancing</l>
<l>in them</l>
<l>wolf cry you hear</l>
<l>from the stars</l>
<l>the Loba</l>
<l>dances, she</l>
<l>treads the</l>
<l>salty earth, she</l>
<l>does not</l>
<l>breath cloud heavenward</l>
<l>her breath</l>
<l>is carnage.</l></lg>