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<title type="main">
<forename type="first">Jason</forename>
<persName ref="#thomas_wilson_dorr">
<forename type="first">Thomas</forename>
<forename type="middle">Wilson</forename>
<surname>Dorr</surname></persName>: an Electronic Transcription</title>
<title type="sub">
<persName ref="#thomas_wilson_dorr">
<forename type="first">Thomas</forename>
<forename type="middle">Wilson</forename>
Letters Project
<title type="short">
Jason Whitman to TWD
<persName><forename type="first">Jason</forename> <surname>Whitman</surname></persName>
<resp>Encoded by</resp>
<persName ref="#christiane_landry">
<forename>Christiane Marie</forename>
<orgName ref="#dps">Providence College Digital Publishing Services</orgName>
<orgName ref="#pml">Phillips Memorial Library</orgName>
<addrLine>Box 1841</addrLine>
<addrLine>Providence College, Phillips Memorial Library</addrLine>
<addrLine>1 Cunningham Square</addrLine>
<addrLine>Providence, RI 02918</addrLine>
<pubPlace>Providence, Rhode Island</pubPlace>
<licence target="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/"> This electronic transcription is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
<title level="s">The
<persName ref="#thomas_wilson_dorr">
<forename type="first">Thomas</forename>
<forename type="middle">Wilson</forename>
Letters Project
<editor>Letters selected, edited, and transcribed from the original manuscripts by
<persName ref="#erik_j_chaput">
<forename>Erik J.</forename>
<persName ref="#russell_desimone">
with the assistance of
<persName ref="#edward_e_andrews">
<forename>Edward E.</forename>
<forename type="first">Jason</forename>
<persName ref="#thomas_wilson_dorr">
<forename type="first">Thomas</forename>
<forename type="middle">Wilson</forename>
<date when="1821-06-24">24 June 1821</date>.
<persName ref="#sidney_s_smith">
<forename type="first">Sidney</forename>
<forename type="middle">Smith</forename>
<orgName ref="#hay">John Hay Library</orgName>
<orgName ref="#brown">Brown University</orgName>
<repository>John Hay Library, Brown University</repository>
<collection>The Road to Rebellion</collection>
<p>A three-page manuscript letter. Envelope on recto of page three. Writing on recto and verso.</p>
<origDate when="1821-06-24">June 24, 1821</origDate>
<persName ref="#thomas_wilson_dorr">
<forename type="first">Thomas</forename>
<forename type="middle">Wilson</forename>
Letters Project includes digital transcriptions of thirty letters from the Dorr
Correspondence files in the
<persName ref="#sidney_s_smith">
<forename>Sidney S.</forename>
<forename> Rider </forename>
Collection at the <orgName ref="#hay">John Hay Library</orgName> (<orgName ref="#brown">Brown University</orgName>), the
<persName ref="#james_f_simmons">
<forename type="first">James</forename>
<forename type="middle">Fowler</forename>
Papers at the <orgName ref="#loc">Library of Congress</orgName>, the <orgName ref="#gli">Gilder Lehman Institute</orgName>,
and one letter from the private collection of
<persName ref="#richard_slaney">Richard Slaney</persName>.
The goal of the project is to further the digital exploration of
<placeName ref="#ri">Rhode Island</placeName>
History through the combination of traditional scholarly editing with cutting edge digital
technologies. These letters illustrate aspects of race, reform, antislavery and
proslavery politics, and, of course, the <name>Dorr Rebellion</name>. The
selection of letters was governed by the notion of what would work best in the
high school and college classroom, especially in terms of length and
The head editors (
<persName ref="#russell_desimone">
<persName ref="#erik_j_chaput">
) also selected letters that had previously not been cited by historians of the
<name>Dorr Rebellion</name>. The project was funded in part by a grant from the
<orgName ref="#rich">Rhode Island Council for the Humanities</orgName>. </p>
<p>There are more than 2500 hundred letters that are known to exist that either
pertain to the <name>Dorr Rebellion</name> and its aftermath or the early life
of the rebellion’s leader
<persName ref="#thomas_wilson_dorr">
<forename type="first">Thomas</forename>
<forename type="middle">Wilson</forename>
In order to keep the number of letters selected for this project to a manageable
number the editors focused on
<persName ref="#thomas_wilson_dorr">
early life (<orgName ref="#phillips_exeter">Phillips Exeter Academy</orgName> and <orgName ref="#harvard">Harvard University</orgName>),
his early law career, his political career in the mid-1830s, and his emergence as the leader of the
reform movement that sought to revise <placeName ref="#ri">Rhode Island</placeName>'s
archaic governing structure.</p>
<p><!-- Create as we develop editorial practices.--></p>
<graphic xml:id="letter2" url="/xtf/data/tei/bookreader/letter2/" />
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<titlePart type="main">The Dorr Letters Project</titlePart>
<titlePart type="subtitle">Jason Whitman to Thomas Wilson Dorr:<lb />Electronic Transcription</titlePart>
<div type="introduction" xml:id="intro" org="uniform" part="N" sample="complete"><head><title>Introduction</title></head>
<persName><forename type="first">Jason</forename> <surname>Whitman</surname></persName>, a close friend of the <persName><surname>Dorr</surname></persName> family, was from <placeName ref="#nh">New Hampshire</placeName>
and was a student at <orgName ref="#phillips_exeter">Phillips Exeter Academy</orgName> at the time <persName ref="#thomas_wilson_dorr"><forename>Thomas</forename> <surname>Dorr</surname></persName> was a student there.
This letter was written when <persName ref="#allen_dorr"><forename>Allen</forename> <surname>Dorr</surname></persName> (<date from="1808" to="1889">1808-1889</date>), the younger brother
of <persName ref="#thomas_wilson_dorr"><forename>Thomas</forename> <surname>Dorr</surname></persName>, was enrolled at <orgName ref="#phillips_exeter">Exeter</orgName> and while <persName><forename>Jason</forename> <surname>Whitman</surname></persName>
was still in attendance. In the <date notBefore="1800" notAfter="1850">early 19th century</date>, <orgName ref="#phillips_exeter">Exeter</orgName> was a feeding school for <orgName ref="#harvard">Harvard College</orgName>.
<div type="letter" xml:id="letter" org="uniform" part="N" sample="complete"><head><title>Letter</title></head>
<pb n="1" facs="/xtf/data/tei/bookreader/letter2/#page/1" />
<lb/><placeName ref="#phillips_exeter">Exeter</placeName>
<date when="1821-06-24">June 24, 1821</date>
<lb/><salute>Friend <persName ref="#thomas_wilson_dorr"><surname>Dorr</surname></persName>,</salute>
<p>Among friends <sic>apologys</sic> are
<lb/>useless. They can overlook trivial offenses. But
<lb/>am I not arrogating too much to myself, to think
<lb/><del rend="overstrike"><gap atLeast="4" atMost="5" unit="chars" reason="illegible" /></del>that my letters can be any thing but im-
<lb/>pertinent intrusions upon your more impor-
<lb/>tant avocations? If you look for news I fear you
<lb/>will be disappointed, for <orgName ref="#phillips_exeter">Exeter</orgName> is the same old place
<lb/>& <del rend="overstrike">ar</del><del rend="overstrike">ar</del> our daily routine of duties is <metamark place="bottom">ˆ</metamark><add place="above">the same</add> it has been
<lb/>for years past, true we, once in a while, take
<lb/>a <del rend="overstrike"><gap extent="2" unit="chars" reason="illegible" /></del>new book, but they are all such as you are
<lb/>familiar with, & consequently how interesting so ever
<lb/>they may be to us, nothing I can say of them
<lb/>will be interesting to you. These scenes are soon
<lb/>to be changed for the untried, but I suspect
<lb/>less tranquil <del rend="overstrike"><gap/></del> ones of college life.
<lb/>How we shall be able to pass that day, which
<lb/><emph rend="underline">tries boys souls</emph>, as well as determines their mer-
<lb/>its & proficiency in classical lore <metamark place="bottom">ˆ</metamark><add place="above">I know not</add>. But if after
<lb/><persName><surname>Fowely</surname></persName>, <persName><surname>Elwyn</surname></persName>, & <persName><surname>Gourges</surname></persName> have gone through
<lb/>it with success, we should fail who have
<lb/>exerted ourselves to the utmost to prepare
<lb/>for it, it would be a pity. My pecuniary
<lb/>circumstances are such that my getting an educa-
<pb n="2" facs="/xtf/data/tei/bookreader/letter2/#page/2" />
<lb/>tion will depend upon my own exertions, & I <del rend="overstrike"><gap/></del>
<lb/>understand that the most effectual method
<lb/>of obtaining assistance, is to endeavor to ex-
<lb/>cel in my studies. This I am confident can
<lb/>be done <metamark place="bottom">ˆ</metamark><add place="above">only</add> by diligent & preserving industry.
<lb/>For although I have advocated <del rend="overstrike">they</del> the side of
<lb/>genius, yet it will not do in practice
<lb/>& I find, I can say from experience, that
<lb/>any one who does in reality excel, must do
<lb/>it by application. I was very sorry to
<lb/><del><gap/></del>hear that your classmate <persName><surname>Sturges</surname></persName> was
<lb/>suspended. I hope however it will do him
<lb/>good, though from what <persName><surname>Prentiss</surname></persName> says of
<lb/>his native <del><gap extent="4" unit="chars" reason="illegible"/></del>town, I should think it
<lb/>not a very good place for studying.
<lb/>The college punishments although in-
<lb/>tended, like the <name>Penitentiary of the Leaguers</name>,
<lb/>to have a corrective influence on
<lb/>the character of the scholars, yet it often
<lb/>happens the reverse. This proceeds per-
<lb/>haps from the <del><gap atLeast="4" atMost="5" unit="chars" reason="illegible"/></del> government's not selecting the most proper place to
<lb/>send them. I hope this will not be the case with <persName><surname>Sturges</surname></persName>. I spent the
<lb/>greater part of two days at <placeName ref="#cambridge_ma">Cambridge</placeName>
<lb/>with <persName><surname>Smith</surname></persName> and <persName><surname>Davis</surname></persName>. I was very much
<lb/>disgusted with the appearance of many
<pb n="3" facs="/xtf/data/tei/bookreader/letter2/#page/3" />
<lb/>of the freshmen, mostly Southerners, whom
<lb/>I saw at <persName><surname>Smith</surname></persName>’s room. I did expect,
<lb/>that young gentlemen who were devoting
<lb/>their time at least, if not their atten-
<lb/>tion to <sic>litterary</sic> pursuits, would when
<lb/>they met together converse like reason-
<lb/>able beings, if not like <sic>litterary</sic> char-
<lb/>acters. But I was greatly disappointed.
<lb/>The conversation I heard was such as <del><gap/></del>
<lb/>would be a disgrace to persons in the
<lb/>lowest condition of life. I find that
<lb/><persName><surname>Davis</surname></persName> is rightly called a "Jack Ass;" for
<lb/>like that <del>he</del> animal, he is continu-
<lb/>ally braying without any sense in <damage agent="tear"><unclear>what</unclear></damage>
<lb/>he says. Your Brother is still
<lb/>very studious. How he recites I know
<lb/>not; since I study out & consequent-
<lb/>ly hear none of the classes when they
<lb/>recite. But I must conclude.
<lb/><salute>Believe me to be your unworthy friend, </salute>
<lb/><signed><persName><forename>Jason</forename> <surname>Whitman</surname></persName></signed>
<lb/>Master <persName ref="#thomas_wilson_dorr"><forename type="first" full="abb">Tho’s</forename> <forename type="middle" full="abb">W.</forename> <surname>Dorr</surname></persName>
<div type="questions" xml:id="questions" org="uniform" part="N" sample="complete"><head><title>Questions</title></head>
What do you think <persName><surname>Whitman</surname></persName>’s opinion is of student life at <orgName ref="#harvard">Harvard College</orgName>?