Vertical Tabs Reader Choose Stylesheet TAPAS GenericTEI BoilerplateXML ViewToggle Soft WrapToggle Invisibles<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?> <?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?> <TEI xmlns="" xml:id="SIL-Modismos"> <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title xml:lang="esp"><seg><seg>Probaditas lingüísticas</seg><c>:</c> <seg>Modismos</seg></seg></title> <title xml:lang="eng"><seg><seg>Linguistic Tidbits</seg><c>:</c> <seg>Idioms</seg> </seg></title> <author>María M. Nieves</author> <respStmt> <resp>TEI Encoding</resp> <name>Jack T. Bowers</name> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <editionStmt> <edition>First Edition of TEI Encoded Document<date when-iso="2014-08-14"/></edition></editionStmt> <publicationStmt><p> This is an XML-TEI markup of the original publications by SIL Mexico for the purposes of: archival and for the creation of a body of Mixtepec-Mixtec language resources (LR) (ISO: mix). Encoded documents used with the permission of original authors.</p></publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <bibl xml:id="bibl-SIL-Modismos"><title xml:lang="esp">Probaditas lingüísticas: Modismos</title> <author>Nieves, María M.</author> <date>2008</date>. <publisher>Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C.</publisher> <pubPlace>Tlalpan, D.F., México</pubPlace> Obtained from:<ref></ref>; accessed <date>2014-09-11</date></bibl> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc> <styleDefDecl scheme="css"/> <tagsDecl> <rendition xml:id="textAlignCenter">text-align: center;</rendition> <rendition xml:id="displayBlock">display: block;</rendition><!--(new line for each) use for: 'entry' --> <rendition xml:id="displayInline">display: inline;</rendition><!--(new line for each) use for: 'ab'; 'p'; 'desc'; --> <rendition xml:id="marginTop30">margin-top: 30pt;</rendition><!-- use for: --> <rendition xml:id="marginTop20">margin-top: 20pt;</rendition><!-- use for: --> <rendition xml:id="textIndent20">text-indent: 20px</rendition><!-- use for:'usg'; 'etym' --> <rendition xml:id="textIndent30">text-indent: 30px</rendition><!-- use for:'orth'; 'pron' --> <rendition xml:id="textIndent50">text-indent: 50px</rendition><!-- use for: 'p'; 'ab'; 'pVar'; --> <rendition xml:id="smallCaps">font-variant: small-caps;</rendition><!-- use for: 'seg'; --> <rendition xml:id="openBracket" scope="before">content: '[';</rendition><!-- use for: (Elements: pron & pVar) --> <rendition xml:id="closeBracket" scope="after">content: ']';</rendition><!-- use for: (Elements: pron & pVar) --> <rendition xml:id="drkGray">color:darkgray</rendition><!--(DECIDE) use for: (Elements: pVar) --> <rendition xml:id="gray">color:gray</rendition><!-- use for: (Elements: pVar) --> <rendition xml:id="fontSize200">font-size: 200%;</rendition><!-- use for: (Elements: pVar) --> <rendition xml:id="fontSize75">font-size: 75%;</rendition><!-- use for: (Elements: pVar) --> <rendition xml:id="fontWeightbold">font-weight: bold;</rendition> <rendition xml:id="fontItalic">font-style: italic;</rendition> </tagsDecl> </encodingDesc> <revisionDesc> <change><date when-iso="2014-09-12"/>First version of document created and posted to TAPAS</change> <change><date when-iso="2014-09-12"/>Line-break elements added to separate seg' elements in TAPAS display browser</change> </revisionDesc> </teiHeader> <text> <body> <desc xml:lang="esp">Un modismo es una expresión en la que un grupo de palabras tiene un significado distinto al que tienen las palabras cuando están separadas. Casi siempre son expresiones especiales de un idioma, aunque a veces se encuentra algo semejante en otro idioma. También se les llama “expresiones idiomáticas”. Una expresión idiomática es una frase natural con un significado especial en un idioma en particular, aunque no tenga sentido en otras lenguas. Estos son algunos ejemplos de modismos del mixteco de Mixtepec:</desc><lb/> <desc xml:lang="eng">An idiom is an expression where the words taken together mean something different from what the individual meanings of the words would lead you to expect. Idioms are often unique, only occurring in a particular language, though sometimes something parallel can be found elsewhere. Sometimes they are called “idiomatic expressions”. Thus an “idiomatic expression” is a phrase that is natural and meaningful in a particular language, although not necessarily in other languages. These are some examples of idioms in the Mixtec of Mixtepec:</desc><lb/> <div> <p> <!-- expression 1 --> <seg xml:lang="mix" style="orth" rendition="#fontWeightbold"><seg>Tsi'i</seg> <seg>yu</seg> <seg>soko</seg></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" style="orth"><c>(</c><seg>Tengo</seg> <seg>mucha</seg> <seg>hambre</seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="eng" style="orth"><c>(</c><seg>I</seg> <seg>am</seg> <seg>very</seg> <seg>hungry</seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" style="orth"><seg>Me</seg> <seg>estoy</seg> <seg>muriendo</seg> <seg>de hambre</seg></seg><c>.</c><lb/><!-- declare style 'literal translation' --> <seg xml:lang="eng" style="orth"><seg>I</seg><c>'</c><seg>m</seg> <seg>dying</seg> <seg>of hunger</seg><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <!-- expression 2 --> <seg xml:lang="mix" style="orth" rendition="#fontWeightbold"><seg>Tsani</seg> <seg>kuii</seg></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" style="orth"><c>(</c><seg>Casi</seg> <seg>matar</seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="eng" style="orth"><c>(</c><seg>Almost</seg> <seg>kill</seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" style="orth"><seg>Herir</seg> <seg><seg>de</seg> <seg>muerte</seg></seg><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="eng" style="orth"><seg>Strike</seg> <seg>a</seg> <seg>mortal</seg> <seg>blow</seg><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <!-- expression 3 --> <seg xml:lang="mix" style="orth" rendition="#fontWeightbold"><seg>Tsain</seg> <seg>yu</seg> <seg>yaa</seg></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" style="orth"><c>(</c><seg>est<seg>oy</seg> <seg>bailando</seg></seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="eng" style="orth"><c>(</c><seg>I</seg> <seg>am</seg> <seg>dancing</seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="eng" style="orth"><seg>I</seg> <seg>am</seg> <seg>stepping</seg> <seg><seg>on</seg> <seg>the</seg> <seg>music</seg></seg><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" style="orth"><seg>Est<seg>oy</seg></seg> <seg>pisando</seg> <seg><seg>la</seg> <seg>música</seg></seg><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <!-- expression 4 --> <seg xml:lang="mix" style="orth" rendition="#fontWeightbold"><seg>Ntaki'in</seg> <seg>yu</seg> <seg>ichi</seg></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" style="orth"><c>(</c><seg>Me</seg> <seg>voy</seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="eng" style="orth"><c>(</c><seg>I</seg> <seg>am</seg> <seg>leaving</seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="eng" style="orth"><seg>I</seg> <seg>grab</seg> <seg><seg>the</seg> <seg>road</seg></seg><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" style="orth"><seg>Agarr<seg>o</seg></seg> <seg><seg>el</seg> <seg>camino</seg></seg><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <!-- expression 5 --> <seg xml:lang="mix" style="orth" rendition="#fontWeightbold"><seg>Ntasaa</seg> <seg>yu</seg></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" style="orth"><c>(</c><seg>Me</seg> <seg>est<seg>oy</seg> <seg>enojando</seg></seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="eng" style="orth"><c>(</c><seg>I</seg> <seg>am</seg> <seg>angry</seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" style="orth"><seg>Me</seg> <seg>est<seg>oy</seg> <seg>calentando</seg></seg><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="eng" style="orth"><seg>I</seg> <seg>am</seg> <seg>getting</seg> <seg>hot</seg> <c>(</c><seg>under</seg> <seg>the</seg> <seg>collar</seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <!-- expression 6 --> <seg xml:lang="mix" style="orth" rendition="#fontWeightbold"><seg>Ntsasi</seg> <seg>ra</seg> <seg>yu'u</seg> <seg>yu</seg></seg><lb/><!-- compl-shut 3s.form mouth 1s--> <seg xml:lang="esp" style="orth"><c>(</c><seg>Él</seg> <seg>me</seg> <seg>calló</seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="eng" style="orth"><c>(</c><seg>He</seg> <seg>made</seg> <seg>me</seg> <seg><seg>be</seg> <seg>quiet</seg></seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" style="orth"><seg>Él</seg> <seg>tapó</seg> <seg>mi</seg> <seg>boca</seg><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <seg xml:lang="eng" style="orth"><seg>He</seg> <seg>shut</seg> <seg>my</seg> <seg>mouth</seg><c>.</c></seg><lb/> <!-- expression 7 --> <seg xml:lang="mix" style="orth" rendition="#fontWeightbold"><seg>Tsa'a</seg> <seg>ra</seg> <seg>ichi</seg></seg><lb/><!-- give 3s.form path--> <seg xml:lang="esp" style="orth"><c>(</c><seg>Él</seg> <seg>da</seg> <seg><seg>el</seg> <seg>permiso</seg></seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg> <seg xml:lang="eng" style="orth"><c>(</c><seg>He</seg> <seg>gives</seg> <seg>permission</seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg> <seg xml:lang="esp" style="orth"><seg>Él</seg> <seg>da</seg> <seg>el</seg> <seg>camino</seg><c>.</c></seg> <seg xml:lang="eng" style="orth"><seg>He</seg> <seg>gives</seg> <seg><seg>the</seg> <seg>road</seg></seg> <c>(</c><seg><seg>give<seg>s</seg></seg> <seg>way</seg></seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg> </p> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> Hide page breaks Views diplomatic normalized Probaditas lingüísticas : Modismos Linguistic Tidbits : Idioms María M. Nieves TEI Encoding Jack T. Bowers First Edition of TEI Encoded Document This is an XML-TEI markup of the original publications by SIL Mexico for the purposes of: archival and for the creation of a body of Mixtepec-Mixtec language resources (LR) (ISO: mix). Encoded documents used with the permission of original authors. Probaditas lingüísticas: Modismos Nieves, María M. 2008. Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C. Tlalpan, D.F., México Obtained from:; accessed 2014-09-11 text-align: center; display: block; display: inline; margin-top: 30pt; margin-top: 20pt; text-indent: 20px text-indent: 30px text-indent: 50px font-variant: small-caps; content: '['; content: ']'; color:darkgray color:gray font-size: 200%; font-size: 75%; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; First version of document created and posted to TAPAS Line-break elements added to separate seg' elements in TAPAS display browser Un modismo es una expresión en la que un grupo de palabras tiene un significado distinto al que tienen las palabras cuando están separadas. Casi siempre son expresiones especiales de un idioma, aunque a veces se encuentra algo semejante en otro idioma. También se les llama “expresiones idiomáticas”. Una expresión idiomática es una frase natural con un significado especial en un idioma en particular, aunque no tenga sentido en otras lenguas. Estos son algunos ejemplos de modismos del mixteco de Mixtepec: An idiom is an expression where the words taken together mean something different from what the individual meanings of the words would lead you to expect. Idioms are often unique, only occurring in a particular language, though sometimes something parallel can be found elsewhere. Sometimes they are called “idiomatic expressions”. Thus an “idiomatic expression” is a phrase that is natural and meaningful in a particular language, although not necessarily in other languages. These are some examples of idioms in the Mixtec of Mixtepec: Tsi'i yu soko ( Tengo mucha hambre ) . ( I am very hungry ) . Me estoy muriendo de hambre . I ' m dying of hunger . Tsani kuii ( Casi matar ) . ( Almost kill ) . Herir de muerte . Strike a mortal blow . Tsain yu yaa ( estoy bailando ) . ( I am dancing ) . I am stepping on the music . Estoy pisando la música . Ntaki'in yu ichi ( Me voy ) . ( I am leaving ) . I grab the road . Agarro el camino . Ntasaa yu ( Me estoy enojando ) . ( I am angry ) . Me estoy calentando . I am getting hot ( under the collar ) . Ntsasi ra yu'u yu ( Él me calló ) . ( He made me be quiet ) . Él tapó mi boca . He shut my mouth . Tsa'a ra ichi ( Él da el permiso ) . ( He gives permission ) . Él da el camino . He gives the road ( gives way ) . ToolboxHide page breaks Themes: Default Sleepy Time Terminal Probaditas lingüísticas : Modismos Linguistic Tidbits : Idioms María M. Nieves TEI Encoding Jack T. Bowers First Edition of TEI Encoded Document This is an XML-TEI markup of the original publications by SIL Mexico for the purposes of: archival and for the creation of a body of Mixtepec-Mixtec language resources (LR) (ISO: mix). Encoded documents used with the permission of original authors. Probaditas lingüísticas: Modismos Nieves, María M. 2008. Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C. Tlalpan, D.F., México Obtained from:; accessed 2014-09-11 text-align: center; display: block; display: inline; margin-top: 30pt; margin-top: 20pt; text-indent: 20px text-indent: 30px text-indent: 50px font-variant: small-caps; content: '['; content: ']'; color:darkgray color:gray font-size: 200%; font-size: 75%; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; First version of document created and posted to TAPAS Line-break elements added to separate seg' elements in TAPAS display browser Un modismo es una expresión en la que un grupo de palabras tiene un significado distinto al que tienen las palabras cuando están separadas. Casi siempre son expresiones especiales de un idioma, aunque a veces se encuentra algo semejante en otro idioma. También se les llama “expresiones idiomáticas”. Una expresión idiomática es una frase natural con un significado especial en un idioma en particular, aunque no tenga sentido en otras lenguas. Estos son algunos ejemplos de modismos del mixteco de Mixtepec: An idiom is an expression where the words taken together mean something different from what the individual meanings of the words would lead you to expect. Idioms are often unique, only occurring in a particular language, though sometimes something parallel can be found elsewhere. Sometimes they are called “idiomatic expressions”. Thus an “idiomatic expression” is a phrase that is natural and meaningful in a particular language, although not necessarily in other languages. These are some examples of idioms in the Mixtec of Mixtepec: Tsi'i yu soko ( Tengo mucha hambre ) . ( I am very hungry ) . Me estoy muriendo de hambre . I ' m dying of hunger . Tsani kuii ( Casi matar ) . ( Almost kill ) . Herir de muerte . Strike a mortal blow . Tsain yu yaa ( estoy bailando ) . ( I am dancing ) . I am stepping on the music . Estoy pisando la música . Ntaki'in yu ichi ( Me voy ) . ( I am leaving ) . I grab the road . Agarro el camino . Ntasaa yu ( Me estoy enojando ) . ( I am angry ) . Me estoy calentando . I am getting hot ( under the collar ) . Ntsasi ra yu'u yu ( Él me calló ) . ( He made me be quiet ) . Él tapó mi boca . He shut my mouth . Tsa'a ra ichi ( Él da el permiso ) . ( He gives permission ) . Él da el camino . He gives the road ( gives way ) . Metadata TAPAS Title:Probaditas lingüísticas ModismosTitle:Probaditas lingüísticas: ModismosAlternative title:Linguistic Tidbits: IdiomsTAPAS Author:Nieves, Maria M. (Author)TAPAS Contributor:Bowers, Jack Thompson (Contributor)Author/Creator:María M. Nieves (Author)Contributor:Jack T. Bowers (TEI Encoding)Type of resource:TextGenre:Texts (document genres)Publicationstmt:This is an XML-TEI markup of the original publications by SIL Mexico for the purposes of: archival and for the creation of a body of Mixtepec-Mixtec language resources (LR) (ISO: mix). Encoded documents used with the permission of original authors.Related item:Probaditas lingüísticas: Modismos Files TEI File: Modismos-MIX-SIL-TEI_1.xml Project Details Project: Mixtepec-Mixtec Corpus and LexicographyCollection: SIL-Mexico Mixtepec-Mixtec Publications