<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!--Remove $ signs after you add the values or content; $ signifies
that the encoder needs to supply info.-->
<!--Title of the manuscript; follow pattern "Letter from X to Y, date"-->
<title>Letter from <persName ref="hsl_pers.xml#WMH">W.M. Hawley</persName> to <persName ref="hsl_pers.xml#PMS">P.M. Suski</persName>, <date when="1942-05-13">May 13, 1942</date></title>
<author ref="hsl_pers.xml#WMH">W.M. Hawley</author>
<editor ref="hsl_pers.xml#SHIR1">Roxanne Shirazi</editor>
<resp>Transcription and encoding by</resp>
<persName ref="hsl_pers.xml#SHIR1">Roxanne Shirazi</persName>
<edition>First digital edition in TEI, November 2015. P5.</edition>
<authority>Roxanne Shirazi</authority>
<pubPlace>New York, NY</pubPlace>
<availability status="restricted">
<p>Copyright 2016, Roxanne Shirazi.</p>
<p>Letters reproduced by courtesy of the Willis M. Hawley and P.M. Suski estates. Information contained in this document is provided for non-commercial, personal, or research use only. All other use, including but not limited to commercial or scholarly reproductions, redistribution, or publication, without prior written permission of the copyright holder is strictly prohibited.</p>
<title level="u" type="thesis">Yellow Dust Abode: The Hawley-Suski Letters, 1942-1945</title>
<editor>Roxanne Shirazi</editor>
<repository>Willis M. Hawley Library</repository>
<collection>Hawley and Suski Letters, 1942-1960</collection>
<!-- Insert the Hawley letter number -->
<!-- Briefly describe main events and discussion contained within the letter. -->
<p>In this letter, Mr. Hawley provides updates on the leasing of Dr. Suski's house, his personal visits, and other purchase transactions.</p>
<!-- Choose "typescript" or "manuscript" or indicate both -->
<p>This is a <objectType>typescript</objectType> letter.</p>
<acquisition><p>Saved and collated with preceding and subsequent letters by <name ref="http://viaf.org/viaf/111712480" type="person">Willis M. Hawley</name>. Passed on to his granddaughter, <name ref="http://viaf.org/viaf/48869899" type="person">Frances Seyssel</name>.</p></acquisition>
<p>This letter was encoded as part of "Yellow Dust Abode: The Hawley-Suski Letters, 1942-1945," a master's thesis by <persName sameAs="#editor">Roxanne Shirazi</persName>, in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Liberal Studies program at the <orgName>Graduate Center, CUNY</orgName>.</p>
<!-- Indicate if any omissions from the text have occurred, such as for kanji, glyphs, etc. -->
<p>Only romanized forms of the Chinese or Japanese languages have been transcribed. Where character forms such as kanji are present in the original manuscript, they have been omitted from the transcription and their place marked by a GAP element.</p>
<p>The Hawley-Suski letters were encoded with the primary aim of facilitating linking within the letters and between outside sources. To this end, effort was made to manually identify named entities within the text and provide contextual information. Where non-standard spelling is used, both the author's spelling and the standard Oxford English Dictionary spelling has been encoded to enhance search results.</p>
<taxonomy xml:id="hslDensho">
<bibl>Densho Topics Thesaurus, modified for the Hawley-Suski Letters project.</bibl>
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<!-- Note here the approximate percentage of English vs Chinese and Japanese -->
<language ident="en-US" usage="99">American English</language>
<language ident="zh" usage="01">Chinese</language>
<!-- Identifies whether typewriting or handwriting is present, or both -->
<handNote xml:id="H1" script="print" medium="typewriter">Indicates portions of the document composed with a typewriter.</handNote>
<handNote xml:id="H2" script="cursive" medium="pencil">Indicates autograph portions of the document.</handNote>
<!-- Insert keywords classifying the letter as a whole. -->
<keywords scheme="#hslDensho">
<correspAction type="sent">
<!-- Insert sender information for the *event* not transcription -->
<name sameAs="#author" />
<date when="1942-05-13">May 13, 1942</date>
<correspAction type="received">
<!-- Insert recipient information for the *event* not transcription -->
<persName ref="hsl_pers.xml#PMS">P.M. Suski</persName>
<!-- Insert info relating this letter to previous and next -->
<ref type="replyTo" target="hsl0001_tei.xml">Answering letter of <persName ref="hsl_pers.xml#PMS">P.M. Suski</persName> to <persName sameAs="#author"></persName>: <date when="1942-05-06">May 6, 1942</date>
<ref type="replyFrom" target="hsl0003_tei.xml">Answered by letter of <persName ref="hsl_pers.xml#PMS">P.M. Suski</persName> to <persName sameAs="#author"></persName>: <date when="1942-05-15">May 15, 1942</date>
<div type="letter">
<handShift new="H2"/>
<addrLine>Barrack 8 Unit 3</addrLine>
<addrLine>5th St.</addrLine>
<addrLine>Santa Anita Recpt. Center</addrLine>
<handShift new="H1"/>
<date when="1942-05-06">May 13, 1942</date>
Dear Doctor & Family;</salute>
<p>Glad to get your card, and to know that the accommodations aren't too bad. Had a card from <persName ref="hsl_pers.xml#YOSH">Yoshitaro</persName> also. He rates a front porch for scenery viewing and other purposes! Hope you get good food.</p>
<span ana="hsl_editorial.xml#business"><p>Leased your house to the <orgName>Pleasant Hill Baptist Church</orgName>, with signatures of the pastor and two board members. The pastor seems to be very nice and he promises to take good care of the place. Eighty dollars down and forty a month. Lease starts 21st to give him time to give a little notice to his present landlord and to clean. However you have to pay the water. That is a good idea anyway, because they will water better. I'll have the water bills sent here and pay them out of the rent money. The fellow next door expected to get $3 a month to take care of the place, but I soon squashed that!</p>
<p>Spent all afternoon Monday burning trash and sweeping the walls down. The pastor wanted me to have the living room walls re-decorated but they weren't bad enough for that so I refused. Cut the grass and watered also.</p>
<p>Will take the money to the bank as soon as I'm sure the check is OK. I'll hold out a little to pay the water bill. Will deduct a dollar a month from the car payment to cover my trouble, if OK with you.</p></span>
<p ana="hsl_editorial.xml#hawleyFamily"><persName ref="hsl_pers.xml#CHAN1">"Channy the Sailor"</persName> dropped in for a few hours yesterday while his ship refeweled. He likes it very much. Plenty doing that we don't hear about.</p>
<p ana="hsl_editorial.xml#business">Nothing new in the typewriter business. <orgName>Mary Knoll</orgName> has a good one, but won't sell. Nothing from the bank yet.</p>
<p ana="hsl_editorial.xml#publishing"><persName ref="hsl_pers.xml#HARR1">Harringa</persName> bought the Hori bros. machine for $12.50, and I'm fixing it up for him. Type pretty bad tho.</p>
<span ana="hsl_editorial.xml#collecting"><p>They were up Mon. nite and so was <persName>Rub</persName>. He was looking for bargains as usual, but no soap!</p>
<p>Saw two swords today, one signed Noshiu - Kanetomo the other unsigned. Blades rusty, no scabbards, handles shot but may be old. (600) Won't buy unless I can get them very cheap. What is that 3rd character in the town name? And what town? Can't find it on a modern map.</p></span>
<p ana="hsl_editorial.xml#socialLA"><persName>Rub</persName> thought he was smart and filled two five-gallon bottles with 75# of sugar and very laboriously buried them under one of the big slab paving stones in the back yard on Courtney. After replacing the stone and the little blades of grass to completely hide the dastardly deed, his wife comes home from registering for sugar and informs him she declared the 75 pounds. Ha Ha.</p>
<p ana="hsl_editorial.xml#scholarship">Can a <gap reason="kanji" /> be substituted for <gap reason="kanji" /> as an abbreviation in other characters than these - <gap reason="kanji" /></p>
<p>Well, I guess I'll hit the hay. Don't do anything I wouldn't do! <span ana="hsl_editorial.xml#campLife">Let me know when I can come visiting.</span></p>
<signed>The Hawleys</signed></closer> <gap reason="kanji" />