Sample TEI Header (Basic)

This document represents a minimally encoded TEI Header with basic XML comments as a guide. Toggle XML view to review.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml"
<TEI xmlns="">
   <teiHeader><!-- the tei header records information about the encoded document under <fileDesc>, <encodingDesc>, <profileDesc>. TEI headers come in all shapes and sizes, and include a widerange of information based on the source document or purpose of project to which it belongs. However, in all cases, headers must include at a minimum a fileDesc. -->
      <fileDesc><!-- fileDesc is a required header section. It is where we record bibliographic information of the encoded document. For <fileDesc> to be valid, it must include at a minumum <titleStmt>, <publicationStmt>, and <sourceDesc> subsections -->
         <titleStmt><!-- titleStmt is mandatory. It groups elements for recording information about the title of a work and those responsible, at various levels, for the creation or editorial work of its content.-->
            <title><!-- title of the document. --></title>
            <author><!-- name of source object author or an organization reseponsible for producing the work --><persName></persName></author>
            <sponsor><!-- person(s)/group(s) responsible for providing intellectual sponsorship -->
            <funder><!--  person(s)/group(s) responsible for providing money -->
            <editor><!-- in the case of document being part of an edition -->
            <principal><!-- in the case document is the product of formal research -->
            <respStmt><!-- groups elements for recording information on creators and contributors in the creation of the TEI edition (e.g., those on an encoding team who contributed to creation or editing of the TEI edition) not already named in above sections-->
               <name><!-- the name of contributor; we can also wrap in <persName> if we have an accompanying personography--></name>
               <resp><!-- the role of contributor in creation of TEI edition (e.g., primary encoder; or editor of original transcription)--></resp>
            </respStmt><!-- we can add multiple <respStmt> sections where there are multiple contributors <respStmt><name></name><resp></resp></respStmt> -->
         <editionStmt><!-- editionStmt is optional, but recommended by TEI-C guidelines if in case of multiple editions. It is used to group information on a single edition of text -->
            <respStmt><!-- used to record primary contributors of edition; add addition <respStmt> where there is more than one contributor to the edition -->
               <name><!-- responsible for task or role noted below --></name>
               <resp><!-- description of task or role --></resp>
         <extent><!-- extent is optional. Used for documenting the size of the textual medium as a digital object-->
         <publicationStmt><!-- publicationStmt is mandatory. It groups information concerning the publication or distribution of the digital TEI object; use <sourceDesc> section below to record publication data that may be different than TEI edition, say for an historical source work.  -->
            <publisher><!-- the person or ogranization responsible for the creation of TEI edition, and who has rights over its production and/or distribution --></publisher>
               <addrLine><!-- repeat addrLine as needed --></addrLine> 
            <idno><!-- Use <idno> for ISBN or any other identifying numbers that are relevant --></idno>
            <availability><!-- availability statement clarifies a general copyright and fair use policy governing reuse of the TEI edition -->
               <p><!-- okay to addto include other related but necessary blocks of information --></p>
            <date><!-- the date of publication of the TEI edition --></date>
            <distributor><!-- you can identify organization responsible for the distribution or purchase handling of the TEI edition --></distributor>
            <date><!-- provide a date for update on availability statement if different than publication date --></date>
         <seriesStmt><!-- seriesStmt is optional. It records the relation between separate documents understood as each part of a series (e.g., collected works (essays, lectures, articles, etc.), document volumes, etc.) by declaring its parent work/identity -->
            <respStmt><!-- name of person responsible for series, e.g., editor or organization -->
         <notesStmt><!-- notesStmt is optional. It adds multiple notes for additional information or discussion of document -->
            <note><!-- repeat <note> as needed --></note>
         <sourceDesc><!-- sourceDesc is mandatory. It describes the source from which an electronic text was derived or generated, typically a bibliographic description <bibl> in the case of a digitized edition of a print text; in the case where the TEI file is born digital,we can include <p>"born digital"</p> -->
            <!-- sourceDesc can also include Ography data of source Work; for more detailed discussion of internal and external Ography handling see:>
                     at <orgName></orgName>
                        <!-- position description -->
      <encodingDesc><!-- encodingDesc section is optional, but recommended. It groups elements for recording information on the encoding practices used in relation to source work's orginal formatting; this section can range from a brief statement on encoding approach under <projectDesc> to a more detailed overview of editorial decisions under <editorialDesc> -->
         <projectDesc><!-- a statment on purpose of TEI edition, project objectives, teams, etc -->
         <samplingDecl><!-- can use this section to provide details on how text(s) at project level were selected -->
            <correction><!-- one might wish to note any "corrections" or alterations -->
            <normalization><!-- we can also record any regularization decisions made to source work in translating into a digital format -->
            <quotation><!-- Information about treatment of quotations (preservation of original quotation marks, etc.) -->
            <hyphenation><!-- Treatment of the hyphenation of the source -->
            <segmentation><!-- Information about whether and how the text has been segmented (mostly for linguistic purposes) -->
            <interpretation><!-- Information about any interpretive information added to the text -->
            <!-- Used to document the tags used in the text, their frequency of use, and their default rendition -->
            <namespace name="">
               <tagUsage gi="head" occurs="17" render="rend.head"></tagUsage>
               <!--  one <tagUsage> for each element type in <text>  -->
               <graphic url="./charPic.png"/>
               <graphic url="./glyph.png"/>
      <profileDesc><!-- profileDesc groups elements that record such information as creation data (<creation/>), language (<langUsage/>), abstract (<abstract/>), description of text (<textDesc/>), description of setting of text (<settingDesc/>), personography data (<particDesc/>) -->
         <handNotes><!--  List of the handwriting that appears in the text  -->
            <handNote/><!-- the details of one particular set of handwriting are specified on the attributes -->
         <creation><!-- where we recorded publication data of source work under <sourceDesc> above, here we can track information known of the creation of source work -->
            <listChange><!-- records information on changes/revisions to source work during stages of its creation; <revisionDesc> can be used after <listChange> to record information on changes/revisions to the TEI edition; can add more <change/> sections to track multiple changes/revisions -->
            <language ident="en-US"><!-- a good online resource for language subtags can be found here: --></language>
         <abstract><!-- add a description or abstract of source work --><p></p></abstract>
         <textDesc><!--  provides a full description of the situation within which a text was produced or experienced; this is a commonly occuring yet complex section of the header, and its attributes and values; see the following for a detailed overview of each grouped element in this section: -->
            <channel mode="x"><!-- allowed values of "mode" include: s (spoken); w (written); sw (spoken to be written) e.g. dictation; ws (written to be spoken) e.g. a script; m (mixed); x
(unknown or inapplicable) [Default] --></channel>
            <constitution type="single"><!-- allowed values of "constitution" include: single (a single complete text [Default]); composite (a text made by combining several smaller items, each individually complete); frags (fragments, a text made by combining several smaller, not necessarily complete, items); unknown (composition unknown or unspecified) --></constitution>
            <derivation type="original"><!-- sample values of "derivation" include: original (text is original); revision (text is a revision of some other text); translation (text is a translation of some other text); abridgment (text is an abridged version of some other text); plagiarism (text is plagiarized from some other text); traditional (text has no obvious source but is one of a number derived from some common ancestor) --></derivation>
            <domain type="education"><!-- sample values of "domain" include: art (art and entertainment); domestic (domestic and private); religious (religious and ceremonial); business (business and work place); education (education); govt (government, government and law); public (other forms of public context)  --></domain>
            <factuality type="inapplicable"><!-- allowed values include: fiction (the text is to be regarded as entirely imaginative); fact (the text is to be regarded as entirely informative or factual); mixed (the text contains a mixture of fact and fiction); inapplicable (the fiction/fact distinction is not regarded as helpful or appropriate to this text) --></factuality>
            <interaction type="inapplicable" active="singular" passive="world"><!-- for a full description of these optional attributes and their suggested or allowed values, see: --></interaction>
            <preparedness type="formulaic"><!-- sample values include: none (spontaneous or unprepared); scripted (follows a script); formulaic (follows a predefined set of conventions);
revised (polished or revised before presentation) --></preparedness>
            <purpose type="inform" degree="high"><!-- for a full description of these optional attributes and their suggested or allowed values, see: --></purpose>
         <settingDesc><!-- this section is used to describe the setting or settings in which language interaction takes place in the source work. We can write out a prose description using <p> or the following elements grouped by <setting>. We can use additional <setting> sections to record information where there is more than one setting -->
               <name><!-- often used to refer to location of setting (e.g., paris); the accompanying attribute @type on <name> may include "person," "place," or one may use <perName>, <placeName>, <orgName> alternatively to <name> --></name>
               <date><!-- any identifiable date associated with the setting --></date>
               <time><!-- a phrase describing the setting's time of day --></time>
               <locale><!-- a brief informal description of the setting's location  --></locale>
               <activity><!-- a brief informal description of the actions (other than speaking) of participants in setting --></activity>
         <particDesc><!-- Personography and Orgography data may go here as well; for a more detailed example of internal and external ography handling, please see: -->
                  <!-- ... -->
               <!-- ... -->
      <revisionDesc><!-- revisionDesc tracks the revision history of the encoded document -->
         <p><!--document body content goes here--></p>
         <p>This document is basic template of the TEI header. For an extended edition with detailed comments, please see our <ref target="">extended</ref> header template.</p>
            <head>How to use this template</head>
            <p>Toggle the XML stylesheet to view the header structure. Download this template by selecting "files" tab.</p>
            <p>This document was prepared using the <ref target="">TEI-C</ref> guidelines on headers and the <ref target="">Women Writers Project</ref> TEI resources as reference.</p>


This document is basic template of the TEI header. For an extended edition with detailed comments, please see our extended header template.

How to use this template

Toggle the XML stylesheet to view the header structure. Download this template by selecting "files" tab.


This document was prepared using the TEI-C guidelines on headers and the Women Writers Project TEI resources as reference.



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This document is basic template of the TEI header. For an extended edition with detailed comments, please see our extended header template.

How to use this template

Toggle the XML stylesheet to view the header structure. Download this template by selecting "files" tab.


This document was prepared using the TEI-C guidelines on headers and the Women Writers Project TEI resources as reference.