
Testing support for images in TAPAS and providing another template for basic encoding.

Vertical Tabs

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/tei_all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?>
<?xml-model href="http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/tei_all.rng" type="application/xml"
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
            <p>Publication Information</p>
            <p>Information about the source</p>
            <!-- If you want to point to personography data in your header, you must include the data within <particDesc> in the header. It
            must be nested as demonstrated here. -->
               <person xml:id="Venus">
                  <note>As Joe Schmo says, "Venus is a badass" (207).<lb/>Source<lb/>Schmo, Joe. <hi rend="italics">Everything I know about
                     Venus</hi>Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2003. Online.</note>
               <person xml:id="Pygmalion">
                  <note>note note note <figure>
                        <graphic url="image3.jpg"/>
                     </figure>note note note</note>
               <!-- If you want to point to placeography data in your header, you must include the data within <settingDesc> in the header. It
            must be nested as demonstrated here. -->
               <place xml:id="Cyprus">
                  <note>As Renowned Scholar explains in <hi rend="italics">Island Countries</hi>, Cyprus is very interesting because "la di da"
                     (300).<lb/>Source<lb/>Scholar, Renowned. <hi rend="italics">Island Countries</hi> London: University of London Press, 2019.
            <head>Elements We Used for Pygmalion Project--See "XML view" for comments</head>
            <head>Bk X:243-297 Orpheus sings: Pygmalion and the statue</head>
            <p><hi>Pygmalion</hi> had seen them blah blah blah</p>
            <p>new paragraph</p>
            <p>The day of <hi><persName ref="#Venus">Venus</persName></hi>'s festival came, celebrated throughout Cyprus, and heifers, their curved
               horns gilded, fell, to the blown on their snowy neck.<note>Joe Schmo says that this is important because blah
                  (205).<lb/>Source<lb/>Schmo, Joe. <hi rend="italics">Everything I know about Venus</hi>Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,
                  2003. Online. </note></p>
            <p>blah blah blah Hymettus softens in the sun, and is moulded,<fw>498</fw><pb/>under the thumb</p>
            <p>blah blah blah reaffirms the <choice>
               </choice> of his wishes...</p>
            <head>Trying to Use Images in Final Project--See "XML view" for comments</head>
               <graphic url="image1.jpg"/>
               <head>Figure Title</head>
               <figDesc>Description of figure file</figDesc>
            <p>This is a paragraph that begins on one page <pb facs="image2.jpg"/> and continues onto the next page.</p>
            <p>This is a paragraph in which I would like to include a note about <persName ref="Pygmalion">Pygmalion</persName> with an image in


Publication Information

Information about the source

Elements We Used for Pygmalion Project--See "XML view" for comments
Bk X:243-297 Orpheus sings: Pygmalion and the statue

Pygmalion had seen them blah blah blah

new paragraph

The day of Venus 's festival came, celebrated throughout Cyprus, and heifers, their curved horns gilded, fell, to the blown on their snowy neck.1 Joe Schmo says that this is important because blah (205).SourceSchmo, Joe. Everything I know about VenusAnn Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2003. Online.

blah blah blah Hymettus softens in the sun, and is moulded,498 under the thumb

blah blah blah reaffirms the fulfilment fulfillment of his wishes...

Trying to Use Images in Final Project--See "XML view" for comments
Description of figure file Figure Title Description of figure file

This is a paragraph that begins on one page view page image(s) and continues onto the next page.

This is a paragraph in which I would like to include a note about Pygmalion with an image in it.


As Joe Schmo says, "Venus is a badass" (207). Source Schmo, Joe. Everything I know about VenusAnn Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2003. Online.


note note note note note note




Publication Information

Information about the source

Venus As Joe Schmo says, "Venus is a badass" (207).SourceSchmo, Joe. Everything I know about VenusAnn Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2003. Online. Pygmalion note note note
note note note
Cyprus As Renowned Scholar explains in Island Countries, Cyprus is very interesting because "la di da" (300).SourceScholar, Renowned. Island Countries London: University of London Press, 2019. Print.
Elements We Used for Pygmalion Project--See "XML view" for comments
Bk X:243-297 Orpheus sings: Pygmalion and the statue

Pygmalion had seen them blah blah blah

new paragraph

The day of Venus 's festival came, celebrated throughout Cyprus, and heifers, their curved horns gilded, fell, to the blown on their snowy neck.Joe Schmo says that this is important because blah (205).SourceSchmo, Joe. Everything I know about VenusAnn Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2003. Online.

blah blah blah Hymettus softens in the sun, and is moulded,498 under the thumb

blah blah blah reaffirms the fulfilment fulfillment of his wishes...

Trying to Use Images in Final Project--See "XML view" for comments
Description of figure file Figure Title

This is a paragraph that begins on one page and continues onto the next page.

This is a paragraph in which I would like to include a note about Pygmalion with an image in it.