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<title level="m" type="main">Extracts from The Young Idea</title>
<author>A.D. McArthur</author>
<editor>Mary Isbell</editor>
<resp>Transcription, encoding, schema design, collation, and notes</resp>
<name xml:id="initials">Mary Isbell</name>
<resp>Transcription and encoding</resp>
<name>Teresa Navarro</name>
<resp>Transcription and encoding</resp>
<name>Katelyn Sahagian</name>
<authority>Scholarly Editing: The Annual of the Association for Documentary Editing</authority>
<idno type="file">extracts.youngidea</idno>
<idno type="edition">youngidea</idno>
<publisher>Association for Documentary Editing</publisher>
<publisher>University of Nebraska–Lincoln</publisher>
<name>Center for Digital Research in the Humanities</name>
<addrLine>319 Love Library</addrLine>
<addrLine>University of Nebraska–Lincoln</addrLine>
<addrLine>Lincoln, NE 68588-4100</addrLine>
<p>Scholarly Editing: The Annual of the Association for Documentary Editing is freely distributed by the Association for
Documentary Editing and the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License</p>
<title level="j">Scholarly Editing: The Annual of the Association for Documentary Editing</title>
<name xml:id="ag">Amanda Gailey</name>
<name xml:id="awj">Andrew Jewell</name>
<idno type="vol">37</idno>
<idno type="ISSN">2167-1257</idno>
<editor>A.D. McArthur</editor>
<title>The Young Idea: A Naval Journal Edited on Board the H.M.S. Chesapeake in 1857, 1858 & 1859 </title>
<idno type="callno">Edition created from copy in editor's private collection, only other known copy held at British Library:
<!-- type="pubPlace" -->
<ref type="address">170 Fleet Street, London, England</ref>
<name type="publisher">Paul Jerrard & Son</name>
<note type="project">First known transcription from 1867 facsimile edition. paragraph breaks, column breaks, and page
breaks have been preserved within the transcription. Abbreviations and spellings have been maintained within the
transcriptions, and the full word and corrected or modern spellings have been provided. Images of the original pages
have been provided in order to show the original page layout. Words or phrases that are deemed indecipherable have
been noted as "unclear." To provide further information as to the context of the extracts, notations have been
<div type="regatta_report">
<head type="main">
<ref target="variants.youngidea.xml#TYI10.05">"The Young Idea"</ref>
<head type="sub">
<ref target="variants.youngidea.xml#TYI10.05">The Regatta</ref>
<p>The <placeName ref="placeography.xml#Kolkata">Calcutta</placeName> Regatta of this season took place on Wednesday last the 10th
Ist. & went off very successfully, under the patronage of Commodore <persName ref="personography.xml#Watson"
>Watson</persName>, C.B. & the Officers of the Royal Navy, as also the Judges of the Supreme Court. The Judges on the occasion
were <choice>
</choice>Woodman R.N. <choice>
</choice>. Hill Master attendant, & <choice>
</choice> Lovell P.&O. <choice>
</choice>. These gentlemen were onboard the H.C.'s steamer "<orgName ref="shipography.xml#Proserpine">Proserpine</orgName>" which
lay off Baboo's Ghant. Visitors speedily arrived of whom we may safely say the "gentler sex" were the most numerous, and our
bridge presented a brilliant spectacle when all the ladies had taken their stations thereon. The scene all round was now most
enlivening, the "<orgName ref="shipography.xml#Chesapeake">Chesapeake</orgName>" & <orgName ref="shipography.xml#Proserpine"
>Proserpine</orgName> both gaily dressed in flags, the lines of boats filled with well dressed spectators, stretching along
the Watery Race-<pb n="TYI1104" facs="TYI1104"/><fw>The "Young Idea" Saturday 13<hi rend="superscript">th</hi> February
1858.</fw><cb n="1"/>course, and the Ghant and its neighbourhood thickly lined with people of all classes. The "<orgName
ref="shipography.xml#Proserpine">Proserpine</orgName>" was the starting point and from this the boats proceeded downwards
round certain buoys marked with flags and then came up again passing on the shore side of the "<orgName
ref="shipography.xml#Chesapeake">Chesapeake</orgName>" back to the "<orgName ref="shipography.xml#Proserpine"
>Proserpine</orgName>". The whole distance to be pulled being about a mile and a half.</p>
<table rows="3" cols="3">
<head>1st Race. Ships Gigs 6 oars 1st Prize 100 Rs. 2nd Prize 50 Rs. 3rd prize save entrance.</head>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Minna</cell>
<cell role="data">Green</cell>
<cell role="data">1</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Sesostris</cell>
<cell role="data">Blue, White Ball</cell>
<cell role="data">2</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Semiramis</cell>
<cell role="data">Red & White</cell>
<cell role="data">3</cell>
<p>Sesostris came in first but having taken the wrong course Minna was adjudged the winner</p>
<table rows="3" cols="3">
<head>2nd Race. Ships Gigs 4 oars. 1st Prize 100 Rs. 2nd Prize 50 Rs. 3rd Prize save entrance.</head>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Bella Blue.</cell>
<cell role="data">White Ball</cell>
<cell role="data">1</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Judith</cell>
<cell role="data">American Flag</cell>
<cell role="data">2</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Liverpool</cell>
<cell role="data">White Blue star</cell>
<cell role="data">3</cell>
<p>The American boat which was pulled by Negroes came in a good second</p>
<p>The Following also started Hurkaru, Megoera, Defiance, Undaunted Jas Hurtley Proserpone and Griffin.</p>
<table rows="3" cols="3">
<head>3rd Race Racing Gigs 6 Oars. 1st Prize Cup 300 Rs 2nd Prize 100 Rs. 4rd Prize save entrance.</head>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Coquette</cell>
<cell role="data">Pink</cell>
<cell role="data">1</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">White Gauntlet</cell>
<cell role="data">Blue. White Glove</cell>
<cell role="data">2</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Fiery Cross</cell>
<cell role="data">Blue Burgee. White Cross</cell>
<cell role="data">3</cell>
<p>The following also started Lotus. True Blue & Will o' Wisp. There was a close struggle between Coquette and White Gauntlet.
White Gauntlet came in first, but as she had fowled, "Coquette" was adjudged the winner. The start was bad, and True Blue had an
oar broken. Fiery Cross. Which was pulled by Chinese made great play at first, but lost way by coming across a cargo boat.</p>
<table rows="3" cols="3">
<head type="main">4th Race Double lanked ship's cutters. 8.10 & 12 Oars</head>
<head type="main">1st Prize 100 Rs. 2nd Prize 50 Rs. 3rd Prize save entrance.</head>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Semiramis</cell>
<cell role="data">Red & White</cell>
<cell role="data">1</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label"><orgName ref="shipography.xml#Chesapeake">Chesapeake</orgName>Barge</cell>
<cell role="data">Blue</cell>
<cell role="data">2</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label"><orgName ref="shipography.xml#Chesapeake">Chesapeake</orgName> 2d Cutter</cell>
<cell role="data">White</cell>
<cell role="data">3</cell>
<p>The following also started <orgName ref="shipography.xml#Chesapeake">Chesapeake</orgName> 1st Cutter, and Brenda the latter boat
being manned by marines from the "<orgName ref="shipography.xml#Chesapeake">Chesapeake</orgName>" Immediately on Semiramis passing
the winning point, one of the oarsmen (who had evidently made up his mind that his boat was to win) struck up a tune of triumph on
the bagpipes, much to the amusement of the spectators.</p>
<table rows="2" cols="3">
<head>5th Race. Launches. 14 to 18 oars. 1st Prize 100Rs 2d Prize. save entrance.</head>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">
<orgName ref="shipography.xml#Pylades">Pylades</orgName>
<cell role="data">Green</cell>
<cell role="data">1</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label"><orgName ref="shipography.xml#Chesapeake">Chesapeake</orgName> 1st launch</cell>
<cell role="data">Red</cell>
<cell role="data">2</cell>
<p>The following also started. <orgName ref="shipography.xml#Chesapeake">Chesapeake</orgName>'s 2d Launch & Pinnace</p>
<table rows="2" cols="3">
<head>6th Race Covered Pancies. 1st Prize 30 Rs. 2d Prize 10 Rs</head>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Agul Parah</cell>
<cell role="data">Red, Black Stripe</cell>
<cell role="data">1</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Nonsuch</cell>
<cell role="data">Blue. White anchor</cell>
<cell role="data">2</cell>
<p>The following also started. Hela. Mela. Kalee and Arrow</p>
<table rows="3" cols="2">
<head>7th Race. Dinghee Race for all comers</head>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">1st Prize</cell>
<cell role="data">10Rs.</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">2d Prize</cell>
<cell role="data">8Rs.</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">3d Prize</cell>
<cell role="data">5Rs.</cell>
<p>Six dinghees started of which only three arrived at the winning point, after a smartly contested race</p>
<p>The Race for screw steamers did not come off, as was announced in the programme.</p>
<p>Commodore <persName ref="personography.xml#Watson">Watson</persName> had a first rate tiffin prepared in his cabin, to which the
ladies repaired after the second race was over. The band of the <orgName ref="shipography.xml#Chesapeake">Chesapeake</orgName>
aided in the pleasure of the day by playing several selections and airs from our finest operas. After the Gentlemen had refreshed
themselves, and the fifth race was over, dancing commenced, and was kept up with great spirit until 6 o'clock. little or no
attention being paid to the ensuing races.</p>
<p>The arrival of this day had been eagerly anticipated, and we are certain that all will agree that it passed off with entire
satisfaction, altho' we could not but feel regret at the dancing being broken off at the early hour it was.<cb n="2"/></p>
<div type="cricket_report">
<head type="main">
<ref target="variants.youngidea.xml#TYI11.04">Sporting Intelligence</ref>
<head type="sub">
<ref target="variants.youngidea.xml#TYI11.04">Cricket</ref>
<p>On Wednesday the 17th Inst. a match took place on the ground near <placeName ref="placeography.xml#Ochterlony_Monument">the <choice>
</choice>monument</placeName> between the Officers of H.M.S. "<orgName ref="shipography.xml#Chesapeake">Chesapeake</orgName>,
and the Petty Officers, assisted by Messrs Mereweather, Budding, & Edwards of <orgName ref="shipography.xml#Pylades"
>Pylades</orgName>. Having received a good account of the game with the scoring made on this occasion, and this being the
first time our club has done battle with other players, we feel bound to give it a place in our columns. <pb n="TYI1113"
facs="TYI1113"/><fw>The Young Idea Saturday 20 February 1858.</fw><cb n="1"/> The P.O.'s had the first lead, and here we must
notice the free batting of <persName ref="personography.xml#Taylor">Taylor</persName>, who made some capital hits till a "ripper"
from <persName ref="personography.xml#Brownrigg">Mr Brownrigg</persName> levelled his stirrups to the tune of 24 runs. Of the
remainder only three managed to make scores, and amongst them, we may mention a good stroke for 5 of <persName
ref="personography.xml#Reynolds">Reynolds</persName>. Owing to the excellent fielding of <persName
ref="personography.xml#Shortt">Mr. Shortt</persName> as Longstop, they only managed to score 2 Byes.</p>
<p>The officers now went in, but did not make as much play as was expected: <persName ref="personography.xml#A_D_McArthur">Mr.
McArthur's</persName> wicket being laid low by a "daisy clipper" from Bew at the very first ball. This, and the retiring of
our <persName ref="personography.xml#Brownrigg">Brownrigg</persName> (to whom all looked for a large score) soon after, by one of
the same puzzlers, damped the spirits of the Gentlemen, but the good play of <persName ref="personography.xml#Theobald">Mr.
Theobald</persName>, who kept the field alive till he was caught out by <persName ref="personography.xml#Cooper"
>Cooper</persName>: and of <persName ref="personography.xml#Shortt">Mr Shortt</persName>, who was finally run out, gave them
renewed ardour.</p>
<p>At the conclusion of the first innings which was a close struggle, both parties scored the same, and bets were now freely offered
of 3 to 1 upon the Gentlemen.</p>
<p>The P.O's now went in again, and now <persName ref="personography.xml#Brownrigg">Mr. Brownrigg</persName> shone forth in his true
light as a first rate Bowler: their best man soon had his wicket rattled down, and in one over three batsmen took their places and
as quickly retired to his well delivered balls which kept the umpire continually employed in repitching the wickets. The result
was the P.O's second innings only amounted to 41 runs, making a total of 90.</p>
<p><persName ref="personography.xml#Brownrigg">Mr Brownrigg</persName> and <persName ref="personography.xml#Shortt">Mr
Shortt</persName> now took their places, and the play became remarkably good and lively, until <persName
ref="personography.xml#Shortt">Mr Shortt</persName> unfortunately delivered a ball back to the bowler, and was thus caught
<p><persName ref="personography.xml#Wilkinson">Mr Wilkinson</persName> relieved him, and "fast and furious" was the game. Mr Brownrigg
serving out 4s & 5s, & 3s to all parts of the field, <persName ref="personography.xml#Wilkinson">Mr Wilkinson</persName>
backing him up with steady play, and some first rate forward drives. These two remained in for upwards of an hour together, till
at last a "disturber" from <persName ref="personography.xml#Bew">Bew</persName> rattled the bails off <persName
ref="personography.xml#Wilkinson">Mr Wilkinson's</persName> stumps, and came out with his flushing honours thick upon him.</p>
<p><persName ref="personography.xml#A_D_McArthur">Mr McArthur</persName> took his bat, but after adding 15 to the score, amongst which
were two good hits for 5 and 4, was run out: <persName ref="personography.xml#Theobald">Mr Theobald</persName> succeeded him, but
what<cb n="2"/> the others had apparently gained in play he appeared to have lost for <persName ref="personography.xml#Cooper"
>Cooper</persName> soon gained an opening into his wicket. <persName ref="personography.xml#Chute">Mr Chute</persName> and Mr
Moore quickly followed and <persName ref="personography.xml#Oxley">Mr Oxley</persName> now took vis-a-vis to <persName
ref="personography.xml#Brownrigg">Mr Brownrigg</persName>, and played well and steadily, when darkness coming on the wickets
were drawn, <persName ref="personography.xml#Brownrigg">Mr Brownrigg</persName> carrying his bat out with a score of 102, and
there being yet four wickets to go down.<lb/>The following is the score.<lb/>Officers v. Petty Officers<lb/><hi rend="underlined"
>"H.M.S. <orgName ref="shipography.xml#Chesapeake">Chesapeake</orgName>"</hi></p>
<table rows="13" cols="5">
<head>Petty Officers</head>
<row role="label">
<cell role="data"/>
<cell role="data">1st Innings</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<cell role="data">2nd Innings</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">W. Taylor (1)</cell>
<cell role="data">24</cell>
<cell role="data">b Brownrigg</cell>
<cell role="data">1</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Brownrigg</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">D. Wells</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data">b McArthur. runout</cell>
<cell role="data">6</cell>
<cell role="data">b. McArthur</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">T. Dukes</cell>
<cell role="data">6</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Shortt</cell>
<cell role="data">11</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Brownrigg run out</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">J. Bew</cell>
<cell role="data">9</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Shortt</cell>
<cell role="data">5</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Brownrigg</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">T. Reynolds</cell>
<cell role="data">8</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Shortt</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Brownrigg</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">W. Taylor (2)</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data">b. McArthur. run out</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Brownrigg</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">H. Cooper</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Shortt</cell>
<cell role="data">1</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Brownrigg c Brown</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">J. Harding</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data">Not out</cell>
<cell role="data">5</cell>
<cell role="data">b McArthur St Brown.</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">Mr. Edwards</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Shortt c Shortt</cell>
<cell role="data">3</cell>
<cell role="data">not out</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">Mr Mereweather</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data">b. McArthur St. Brown</cell>
<cell role="data">9</cell>
<cell role="data">b. &c. Brownrigg</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Byes</cell>
<cell role="data">2</cell>
<cell role="label">Byes</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Total</cell>
<cell role="data">49</cell>
<cell role="label"/>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<table rows="14" cols="5">
<row role="label">
<cell role="data"/>
<cell role="data">1st Innings</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<cell role="data">2nd Innings</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">Brownrigg</cell>
<cell role="data">6</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Bew</cell>
<cell role="data">102</cell>
<cell role="data">not out</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data"/>
<cell role="data"/>
<cell role="data"/>
<cell role="data"/>
<cell role="data"/>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">McArthur</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Bew</cell>
<cell role="data">15</cell>
<cell role="data">b Bew run out</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">Wilkinson</cell>
<cell role="data">4</cell>
<cell role="data">b Bew</cell>
<cell role="data">24</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Bew</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">Chute</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Wells</cell>
<cell role="data">10</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Wells</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">Theobald</cell>
<cell role="data">16</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Wells C. Cooper</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Cooper</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">Shortt</cell>
<cell role="data">9</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Wells run out</cell>
<cell role="data">4</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Wells c Wells</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">Oxley</cell>
<cell role="data">1</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Wells</cell>
<cell role="data">18</cell>
<cell role="data">not out</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">Stanley</cell>
<cell role="data">2</cell>
<cell role="data">Not out</cell>
<cell role="data">-</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">Moore</cell>
<cell role="data">1</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Bew</cell>
<cell role="data">8.</cell>
<cell role="data">b Wells c Edwards</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">Budding</cell>
<cell role="data">3</cell>
<cell role="data">b Bew</cell>
<cell role="data">-</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Byes</cell>
<cell role="data">6</cell>
<cell role="label">Byes</cell>
<cell role="data">24</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">No Balls</cell>
<cell role="data">1</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<cell role="data"/>
<cell role="data"/>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Total</cell>
<cell role="data">49</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<cell role="data">205</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<table rows="14" cols="3">
<head>Squadron Eleven</head>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">Mr. Mereweather</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data">b Brownrigg c Brownrigg</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Howes</cell>
<cell role="data">6</cell>
<cell role="data">b McArthur Leg before Wicket</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Rockfort</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data">b Brownrigg</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Moore</cell>
<cell role="data">13</cell>
<cell role="data">b McArthur</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Jefferies</cell>
<cell role="data">3</cell>
<cell role="data">b Brownrigg run out</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Hope</cell>
<cell role="data">50</cell>
<cell role="data">b McArthur c Stanley</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Boys</cell>
<cell role="data">9</cell>
<cell role="data">b Shortt Slump McArthur</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Garlick</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data">not out</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Jordan</cell>
<cell role="data">8</cell>
<cell role="data">b Chute Leg before Wick</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Limbert</cell>
<cell role="data">4</cell>
<cell role="data">b McArthur. run out</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Plow</cell>
<cell role="data">2</cell>
<cell role="data">b Brownrigg</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Wides</cell>
<cell role="data">4</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Byes</cell>
<cell role="data">14</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Total</cell>
<cell role="data">__________</cell>
<cell role="data">113.</cell>
<table rows="14" cols="3">
<head><orgName ref="shipography.xml#Chesapeake">Chesapeake</orgName> Eleven</head>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">Mr. Brownrigg</cell>
<cell role="data">13</cell>
<cell role="data">b Plow. c Garlick</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Shortt</cell>
<cell role="data">7</cell>
<cell role="data">c Limbert b Moore</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Wilkinson</cell>
<cell role="data">2</cell>
<cell role="data">b. Plow</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Chute</cell>
<cell role="data">4</cell>
<cell role="data">b Moore</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" McArthur</cell>
<cell role="data">16</cell>
<cell role="data">b Plow</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Moore</cell>
<cell role="data">7</cell>
<cell role="data">b Moore c Limbert</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Kennicott</cell>
<cell role="data">10</cell>
<cell role="data">not out</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Theobald</cell>
<cell role="data">1</cell>
<cell role="data">b Limbert c Moore</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Oxley</cell>
<cell role="data">5</cell>
<cell role="data">b Moore</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Farquhar</cell>
<cell role="data">0</cell>
<cell role="data">b Now</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="data">" Stanley</cell>
<cell role="data">5</cell>
<cell role="data">b Moore. run out.</cell>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Wides</cell>
<cell role="data">2</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label">Byes</cell>
<cell role="data">2</cell>
<cell role="data"/>
<row role="data">
<cell role="label"/>
<cell role="data">__________</cell>
<cell role="data">75</cell>