<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:id="Chillester">
<title>Youthes Witte, OR The VVitte of Grene Youth. Chooſe Gentlemen, and Mez-dames which of them shall beſt lyke you.</title>
<resp>Transcriber<date when="2021"></date></resp>
<name>Danielle Achin</name>
<name>Olivia Banks</name>
<name>Leah K. Barker</name>
<name>Noah R. Barnes</name>
<name>Joseph Fintois</name>
<name>Sofia Gollobin</name>
<name>Meggan R. Law</name>
<name>Avery L. Markle</name>
<name>Hannah L. Morris</name>
<name>Olivia K. Nicolazzo</name>
<name>Abigail J. Petrucci</name>
<name>Hannah E. Polansky</name>
<name>Kelsey L. Rhodes</name>
<name>Nathan C. Rogers</name>
<name>Sofia K. Trushina</name>
<resp>Encoder<date when="2021"/></resp>
<name>Danielle Achin</name>
<name>Olivia Banks</name>
<name>Leah K. Barker</name>
<name>Noah R. Barnes</name>
<name>Joseph Fintois</name>
<name>Sofia Gollobin</name>
<name>Meggan R. Law</name>
<name>Avery L. Markle</name>
<name>Hannah L. Morris</name>
<name>Olivia K. Nicolazzo</name>
<name>Abigail J. Petrucci</name>
<name>Hannah E. Polansky</name>
<name>Kelsey L. Rhodes</name>
<name>Nathan C. Rogers</name>
<name>Sofia K. Trushina</name>
<resp>General Editor</resp>
<name ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_BENN1">Kristen Abbott
<resp>Assistant Editor</resp>
<name ref="pers:RHOD2">Kelsey L. Rhodes</name>
<resp ref="resp:prg">Programmer</resp>
<name ref="pers:TAKE1">Joey Takeda</name>
<resp ref="resp:prg">Programmer</resp>
<name ref="pers:HOLM1">Martin Holmes</name>
<publisher> The Kit Marlowe Project </publisher>
<licence target="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">
<p>This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
International License.</p>
<bibl><publisher>John Wolfe</publisher><pubPlace>London</pubPlace>
<date when-custom="1581"/> Transcription prepared from a digital surrogate of a
microfilm available on the Early English Books Online Database. Copyright 2019,
ProQuest LLC <idno type="STC">STC 5137.5<!-- Copy from British Library --></idno>
<catRef scheme="edt:emdDocumentTypes" target="edt:edtBornDigital"/>
<p>This document follows Map of Early Modern London encoding guidelines.</p>
<!-- TITLE PAGE -->
<head style="text-align: center;">☙ Youthes Witte,<lb/>
<hi style="font-variant: smallcaps;"><hi style="text-align: center;">OR</hi></hi><lb/>
<hi style="font-style: italic;"><hi style="text-align: center;">Chooſe Gentlemen, and Mez-dames which of </hi><lb/>
<hi style="text-align: center;">them shall beſt lyke you.</hi></hi><lb/>
Compiled and gathered together by <hi style="font-variant: smallcaps;">HENRY<lb/>
<hi style="text-align: center;">CHILLESTER.</hi></hi>
<hi style="font-style: italic;">First view then reade, last iudge with regard:<lb/>
geue th' Auctor good wordes he claimes no reward.</hi>
<!-- Fleur de Lis Printer's ornament with -->
☙<foreign xml:id="la">VBIQVE FLORESCIT.</foreign><!-- Translation: Everwhere Flourishes -->
<hi style="text-align: center;">LONDON</hi><lb/>
<hi style="text-style: italic;"><hi style="text-align: center;">Imprinted by John Wolfe,</hi></hi><lb/>
<date when="1581"><hi style="text-align: center;">1581</hi></date>
<fw type="signature"><!-- A1r --></fw>
<div type="preface">
<head style="text-align:center;">TO THE <sic>RIGHTWORSHIPFVLL</sic>,<lb/>
Maſter <persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_GORI1">
<hi style="font-variant:smallcaps;">G E O R G E G O R I N G E</hi></persName> Eſquiere,<lb/>
one of her Majesties Gentl- <lb/>
men Penſioners:<lb/></head>
<head><persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_CHIL1">
<hi style="font-variant:smallcaps;">HENRY CHILLESTER</hi></persName>
<hi style="font-style:italic;"> wiſheth longe life, with<lb/>
continuall health & proſperity to <persName type="literary"
ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_GOD1">Gods</persName> good <lb/>
will and pleaſure.</hi><lb/></head>
<p style="text-indent:1em;"><s><seg type="decorlnit"><seg style="font-size:700%">A</seg></seg>s the vnskillfull caruer that<lb/>
wanteth both Arte and iudge-<lb/>
ment, cunninglie to contrive<lb/>
the worke he taketh in hande,<lb/>
& yet able to iudge of his owne<lb/>
imperfection, findeth meanes,<lb/>
(for the better aduauncement<lb/>
therof) to erecte the ſame on<lb/>
the toppe of ſome high piller,<lb/>
or ſuch like place, where the faulte cannot eaſilie be <lb/>
perceiued by the curious beholders: Euen ſo (Right <lb/>
worshipfull) having perfected this my <hi style="font-style:italic;">
Youthes witte,</hi> Or <lb/>
<hi style="font-style:italic;"> Witte of Greene Youth,
</hi> (a fitte name for ſo ſimple a Sub-<lb/>
ject) I was moued, partlie of mine own accord, (know- <lb/>
ing your worthineſſe, which well appeareth to the <lb/>
worlde) and partely at my frendes requeſt (that per- <lb/>
ſwaded me you courteouſlie accept it) to make <lb/>
my ſpeciall choiſe of your worſhippe, to ſupporte, and <lb/>
ſuſtain by your vertue & worthines, this ſimple worke, <lb/>
unworthy such a Patrone. </s><s> For though it be ſufficiently <lb/>
fraught with a few prettie conceited, yet can I not my <lb/>
ſelfe in priuic conceite, ſo much love or like it (as the <lb/>
Crow that thinketh her own birde fayreſt) <sic>toſuppoſe</sic>, <lb/>
it may well ſwimme through the <sic>ſenſural</sic> ſeas ſuch <lb/>
as haue either high Forheads, and ſharpe wittes, or <lb/>
wante of iudgement, with euil tongues, unless it be guy- <lb/>
ded by ſuch a Pilate, as can ſafelie conducte it. <lb/></s></p>
<fw type="signature">A 2<supplied>r</supplied> </fw>
<fw type="catchword">May</fw>
<fw style="pageNUM"><hi style="text-align: left;">4</hi></fw>
<head style="text-align:center;"><fw type="heading"><hi style="font-style:italic;">
The Epiſtle dedicatorie.</hi></fw></head>
<p style="text-indent:1.5em;"><s>May it therefore pleaſe your worſhippe (of youre,<lb/>
courteſie) to allow my good wil,and hereafter to like<lb/>
of the worke,I ſhall haue what eſpecially wiſh for in,<lb/>
this behalfe,and care the leſſe for the ſharpe cenſure<lb/>
of ſuch as disfauoure my doinges.</s><s>For I know that<lb/>
<persName style="literary" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_APOL1">
<hi style="font-style:italic;">Apollo</hi></persName> for all his ſkill,refuſed
not to heare the <sic>hariſhe</sic><lb/>
Pipe of Pan,though but a rurall<persName type="literary" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_GOD1">
God</persName>.</s><s>And <persName type="literary" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_ATHE1">
<hi style="font-style:italic;">Pallas</hi></persName>,<lb/>
though in Arte ſhe farre ſurpaſſed <persName type="literary" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_ARAC1">
<hi style="font-style:italic;">Arachne</hi></persName>,yet vouch-<lb/>
ſaſed ſhe to handle the thridde of her ſpinninge, and<lb/>
to ſay that her webbe was wel wrought,and cunning-<lb/>
lie contriued.</s><s> And <persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_XERX1">
<hi style="font-style:italic;">Xerxes</hi></persName>,a mightie Prince,thought<lb/>
no leſſe well of the poore man that preſēted him with<lb/>
a handful of water, then he did of the greateſt giftes<lb/>
that euer anie beſtowed vpon him.</s><s>And truth it is,<lb/>
that ſuch men as are either guyded by the rule of rea-<lb/>
son,or indued with the courteous giftes of gratitude,<lb/>
doe more regarde the minde of the geuer, then the<lb/>
worthe of the preſente.</s><s>Therefore to conclude, I
blie beſeech your worshippe, with the force of youre<lb/>
vertue, to defende my <hi style="font-variant:smallcaps;">Y O V T H E S W I T</hi> from<lb/>
the malitious reportes of thoſe that miſlike,and ſeeke<lb/>
to diſgrace it: And in ſo doing, your worſhippe ſhall<lb/>
geue me incouragemente, hereafter to attempte a<lb/>
better worke then this is: For the ſmalleſt tree,(if it<lb/>
be well proyned)will proſper, and verie light laboure<lb/>
not miſlyked,is likely to grown ſo ſarre onwarde, as to<lb/>
<hi style="text-align:center;">become Induſtrie it ſelſe.<!--</s><s>-->And thus abruptlie fini-</hi><lb/>
<hi style="text-align:center;">ſing theſe rude lynes, I committe you to the</hi><lb/>
<hi style="text-align:center;">tuition of the Almightie, Reſting</hi><lb/>
<hi style="text-align:center;">alwayes.</hi></s><lb/></p>
<l style="font-style:italic;"><hi style="text-align:right;">Youre worshippes moſt humble</hi></l><lb/>
<l style="font-style:italic;"><hi style="text-align:center;">at commaundemente,</hi></l><lb/>
<l style="text-align:right;"><persName style="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_CHIL1">
Henry Chilleſter</persName>.</l><lb/>
<fw type="signature"><supplied>A2v</supplied></fw>
<head style="text-align:center;">TO THE READER.</head>
<fw type="pageNum"><hi style="text-align:right;">5</hi></fw>
<s><seg type="decorlnit"><seg style="font-size:200%">M</seg></seg><hi style="font-style:italic;">
Ay it pleaſe you amongsſt other bookes,ſome good, ſome<lb/>
bad, to peruſe this my</hi><hi style="font-variant:smallcaps;"> Y O V T H E S W I T,</hi> Or<lb/>
<hi style="font-variant:smallcaps;">W I T O F G R E E N E Y O V T H,</hi>
<hi style="font-style:italic;">in ſuch ſorte as they<lb/>
were woonte to ſurvey the Tables of</hi>Phidias,<hi style="font-style:italic;">
and the Pictures<lb/>
of</hi><placeName>Prazitiles</placeName><hi style="font-style:italic;">,that had before ſeene
that excellent workeman-<lb/>
ſhippe of</hi><persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_APPE1">Appelles</persName>
<hi style="font-style:italic;">,betweene whome and the other, though<lb/>
there were as greate difference, as betweene the leaſt twinck-<lb/>
ling Starre, and the Sunne it ſelfe, yet did they both like<lb/>
of the one as they had cauſe, and looke on the other when<lb/>
occaſion ſerved.</hi></s><s><hi style="font-style:italic;">The praiſe that
</hi><persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_HOME1">
Homer</persName><hi style="font-style:italic;">purchaſed by his<lb/>
skill in Poetric, was not ſo great, that it could quite diſgrace the<lb/>
doinges of his Inferiors: For</hi><persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_MEUI1">
Meuius</persName><hi style="font-style:italic;"> and</hi>
<persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_BAUI1">Bauius</persName>
<hi style="font-style:italic;">(though<lb/>
not ſo excellent) yet were they allowed for Poets of manie: ſome<lb/>
haue deſired to heare an Orator of euill utterance, to the ende<lb/>
they might afterwardes take the more pleaſure, when they hard<lb/>
one pleade, that could pronounce his wordes diſtinctlie, and with<lb/>
good diſcretion.</hi></s><s><persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_PUBL1"
>Cato</persName><hi style="font-style:italic;">
the wiſe man of </hi><placeName>ROME</placeName><hi style="font-style:italic;">,was wonte<lb/>
oftentimes to vaunte, that he learned no leſſe good by conuer-<lb/>
ſing with fooles, and ſpying their faultes, then he gote wiſdome by<lb/>
the wyſeſt, and thoſe of beſt behauior: And therefore, I am<lb/>
thus farre to intreate you for this my ſimple worke, that if it be<lb/>
not in your conceates, worthy to be likened to </hi>
<persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_APPE1">Appelles</persName><hi
style="font-style: italic;"> Pat-<lb/>
tornes, ye will vouchſafe, at idle times, to gaze vpon <supplied reason="ink">it</supplied>, as a table <lb/>
of</hi><persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_RHID1">Phidias
</persName> <hi style="font-style:italic;"> or </hi>
<persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_PRAX1">Praxatiles
</persName>.</s><s><hi style="font-style:italic;">If it beare not the beautie of a ſunne<lb/>
beame, then liken it to the leaſt ſtar that ſhineth. If it be not <lb/>
comparable to</hi><persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_HOME1">
Homers</persName> <hi style="font-style:italic;">poeſie,that was taken as a ſufficiente<lb/>
dowrie with his daughter in marriage: yet permit it to be allow-<lb/>
ed of ſome , as were the verces of</hi><persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_BAUI1">
Bauius </persName><hi style="font-style:italic;">and</hi>
<persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_MEUI1">
Meuius</persName><hi style="font-style:italic;">, If it <lb/>
taſte nothinge at all of a good Orator, yet accepte of it, till a bet-<lb/>
ter come in place.</hi></s><s><hi style="font-style:italic;">
If it teache no wiſe conceate, yet eſteame of it<lb/>
as a patterne of my fooliſh conceate, whereby ſuch as have iudge-<lb/>
mente, may conceave (if they will) a platforme of ſome wisdome.<lb/>
Beare with me, I pray you, though I ſeeme in this linking of my <lb/>
lines together, halfe to riddle with you, and accepte my good<lb/>
will, For I have beene as much troubled in continuing theſe my <lb/>
conceites, as they buylde caſtles in</hi><placeName>S P A Y N E</placeName>
<hi style="font-style:italic;"> (as the <lb/>
French Proverbe underſtandeth it) Or, as a Henne with two <lb/>
Chickens, And ſo fare ye well. </hi><lb/></s></p>
<fw type="signature"><supplied>A3r</supplied></fw>
<fw type="pageNUM">6</fw>
<head style="text-align:center;"><fw type="heading"><foreign xml:lang="la">
<hi style="font-style:italic;">In</hi> Z O I L V M, <persName type="historical"><hi style="font-style:italic;"
>Richardus W.</hi></persName></foreign></fw></head><lb/>
<l><foreign xml:lang="la"><seg type="decorlnit"><seg style="font-size:200%">I</seg></seg>Nuide cur acuis
ringendo <persName style="font-style:italic;">Zoyle</persName> dentes?</foreign></l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;"><foreign xml:lang="la"> cur ſulcat vultus ruga maligna tuos?</foreign></l><lb/>
<l><foreign xml:lang="la">Sed tu <persName style="font-style:italic;">Meonidem</persName>
ridebas <persName style="font-style:italic;">Zoyle</persName> vatem,</foreign></l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;"><foreign xml:lang="la">& ſimilis nunqnam deſinis effe tui:</foreign></l><lb/>
<l><foreign xml:lang="la">An non eſt Iuuenum iuuenilia condere Scripta?</foreign></l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;"><foreign xml:lang="la">ſic capitur ſtudijs ipſa Iuuenta
<l><foreign xml:lang="la">Ve<persName style="literary" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_CERE1">
Cereri</persName> grata eſt peragendis meſsibus æſtas,</foreign></l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;"><foreign xml:lang="la"><persName style="literary"
ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_BACC1"> <hi style="font-style:italic;"
>Bacchus</hi></persName> in Autumno dulcia vina bibit,</foreign></l><lb/>
<l><foreign xml:lang="la">Sic matura dabit poſthac maturior ætas,</foreign></l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;"><foreign xml:lang="la">intera hoc placida perlege mente,
<l style="text-align:center;"><persName type="historical">
M.G.</persName><hi style="font-style:italic;">In commendation of the worke.</hi></l><lb/>
<lg style="font-style:black letter">
<l><seg type="decorlnit"><seg style="font-size:200%">S</seg></seg> Uch ſugred ſappe,
ſuch delve of ſweete delight,</l><lb/>
<l>As painefull Bees that bide on <placeName><hi style="font-style:italic;">Hibla</hi>
<l>From fragrante floures both freſh and faire in fight.</l><lb/>
<l>With laboure greate, do galife their house to fill.</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:1.5em;">Such, and no more, the well diſpoſed minde:</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:1.5em;">Within this booke by reading ſoone may finde.</l><lb/>
<lg style="font-style:black letter">
<l>Then praiſe the wight,whoſe paines ſhal pleaſe thée ſo,</l><lb/>
<l>And pleaſe thy ſelfe with that which profite bringes:</l><lb/>
<l>And with thy profite, profite many moe,</l><lb/>
<l>And then reporte by proofe what profite ſpringes</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:1em;">From our <hi style="font-style: italic;"
>(Greene Youth)</hi>and ſafelie ſay thou this:</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:1em;">Such witte doth wante in grauer heads then
<l style="text-align:center;"><persName type="historical"
W.</sic></persName><hi style="font-style: italic;">To the
<lg style="font-style:black letter">
<l><seg type="decorlnit"><seg style="font-size:200%">T</seg></seg>he proube
faith, witte goeth not all by age,</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:1em;">The wife regard mennes deedes and not their time</l><lb/>
<l>Let <persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_ZOYL2"><hi style="font-style:italic;"
>Zoylus</hi></persName> then ceaſe of his woonted rage,</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;">And<persName type="literary" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_MOMU1">
<hi style="font-style:italic;">Momus</hi></persName> graunt that greeneſt wittes may clime</l><lb/>
<l>To touch the toppe of higheſt thinges with praiſe :</l><lb/>
<l>Which <persName type="literary" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_NEFT1">
<hi style="font-style:italic;">Neſtor</hi></persName>scarce attainde in all his dayes.</l><lb/>
<fw type="signature"><supplied>A3v</supplied></fw>
<fw type="catchword" style="text-align:right;"><hi style="font-style:black letter">Young</hi></fw>
<fw type="pageNum">7</fw>
<lg style="font-style:black letter">
<l> Young coltes beares price before olde reftie iades,</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;">young twigges ffande fafte, when taller trees decay:</l><lb/>
<l> The budding roſe ereedes the flower that fades,</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;"> youth wareth ripe, whileft age doth were away.</l><lb/>
<l>Then iudge aright, and praiſe him for his paynes:</l><lb/>
<l>That prooues his theame, in praifing youthly raynes.</l><lb/>
<l style="text-align:center;"><persName type="historical"><sic>G.A.</sic></persName>
<hi style="font-style:italic;">In commendation of the Author.</hi></l><lb/>
<lg style="font-style:black letter">
<l><seg type="decorlnit"><seg style="font-size:200%">L</seg></seg>et hoarie heares,
who longe in painful ſoyle,</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:1em;">With heauie hande haue ſolved Experience ſeede:</l><lb/>
<l>At harueft reape, in guerdone of their toyle,</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;">the name, ad fame, of wiſdoms for their meede.</l><lb/>
<l>But yet for witt, let youth receaue the praiſe:</l><lb/>
<l>As this our youth doth flowe in theſe our dayes.</l><lb/>
<l style="text-align:center;"><persName type="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_SKER2"><sic>N.Skr.
</sic></persName><hi style="font-style: italic;">
In the praiſe of his frende.</hi></l><lb/>
<lg style="font-style:black letter">
<l><seg type="decorlnit"><seg style="font-size:200%">T</seg></seg>hough wanton will did wrangle late with witte,</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:1em;"> though Soldior braulde, though Schollar cauil ftil</l><lb/>
<l><hi style="font-style:italic;">Manillas</hi> mone, though no man pittie it,</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;"> nor woman-like, ſo loſe a praiſe of will.</l><lb/>
<l>Though ounſell then, that came from phiſlickes lore</l><lb/>
<l> Doth yealde as yet no ſalue to heal his ſore.</l><lb/>
<lg style="font-style:black letter">
<l> Yet died not witte, he did but make his will</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;">I not deny but then he might be ſicke:</l><lb/>
<l> His addle head may were a kercher ſtill.</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;"> for then his braine was touched to the quicke.</l><lb/>
<l> But who ſo looks, ſhall ſee him here alive:</l><lb/>
<l>And well perreaue how youth can him reuive.</l><lb/>
<l style="text-align:center;"><persName type="historical">
<hi style="font-style:italic;">Miſtress</hi> Marie P.</persName>
<hi style="font-style:italic;"> in commendation of her</hi></l><lb/>
<l style="text-align:center;">ſeruaunts worke.</l><lb/>
<lg style="font-style:black letter">
<l><seg type="decorInit"><seg style="font-size:200%">T</seg></seg>D praiſe
the wight whole deedes deſerue no leffe,</l><lb/>
<fw type="signature">A4<supplied>r</supplied></fw>
<fw type="catchword"><hi style="font-style:black letter"> were </hi></fw>
<fw type="pageNum"><hi style="text-align:left;">8</hi></fw>
<lg style="font-style:black letter">
<l style="text-indent:2em;">were but to throwe my wordes into the winde:</l><lb/>
<l>For eache that sees his worke, must needes confesse,</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;">(unlesse they ſwarue contrarie to their kinde,)</l><lb/>
<l>That he deserues farre more then I can tell:</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;">his workes, his wordes, his deedes deserue so well.</l><lb/>
<l style="text-align:center;"><persName type="historical">R.W.</persName> gent. To his frende
<persName type="historical">A.N.</persName></l><lb/>
<lg style="font-style:black letter">
<l><seg type="decorInit"><seg style="font-size:200%">L</seg></seg>
Oe for my frende I here doe breake my vow</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:1em;">who earst haue sworne in silence for to rest:</l><lb/>
<l>But for because my frende conſtraines me now,</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;">both vowes and othes, I doe accounte as iest,</l><lb/>
<l>And say and ſweare, as I haue done of yore:</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;">that such Greene wittes haue ſeldome beene before.</l><lb/>
<l style="text-align:center;"><persName type="historical">I. Io.</persName> Gent.</l>
<lg style="font-style:black letter">
<l><seg type="decorlnit"><seg style="font-size:200%">I</seg></seg>N verse to
write the praiſes of my frende, </l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:1em;">I wante the ſkill of learned Poets olde: </l><lb/>
<l>Whose pregnante witte in <persName style="historical" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_MARO1">
<hi style="font-style:italic;"> Virgill</hi></persName> may be pende,</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;">(and not by me) his filed phraſe be tolde. </l><lb/>
<l>Meade, gallante youthes, this booke which he hath wrot:</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;">not for his owne, but your delight,
<persName type="literary" ref="/kit-marlowe/files/personography.xml#pers_GOD1">God</persName> wot.</l><lb/>
<l style="text-align:center;"><persName type="historical">I.H.</persName> To his frende
<persName type="historical">A. N</persName></l><lb/>
<lg style="font-style:black letter">
<l><seg type="decorInit"><seg style="font-size:200%">T</seg></seg>O say of trothe,
that this my frende doth well,</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:1em;">and in the ende his doinges ſhould proue badde:</l><lb/>
<l>My name, his fame, I ſhould both by and ſell,</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;">and nether winne, but both of vs be ſadde.</l><lb/>
<l>So that to praiſe him further then I say:</l><lb/>
<l style="text-indent:2em;">I neither can, ne will, ne muſt, nor may.</l><lb/>
<fw type="signature"><supplied>A4v</supplied></fw>
<fw type="catchword"><hi style="font-variant:smallcaps;">Y O U T H E S</hi></fw>