MIX Project Personography

Vertical Tabs

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            <title>Mixtepec-Mixtec Project Personography</title>
            <principal>Jack T. Bowers</principal>
            <p>This language resource document for the Mixtepec-Mixtec language variety;the first publication released as part of the TAPAS project;<ptr target="http://tapas.neu.edu/"/></p>           
            <p>This resource may be freely used by members of the Mixtepec-Mixtec community for any purpose. Currently the speaker consultants Juan "Tisu'ma" Salazar and Yavanni Salazar are granted the rights to represent the Mixtepec-Mixtec community in any decisions as to who may exercise the rights of a community member as per the permissions of this publication. The content of this document may be changed by the author at the suggestion of members of the community in the case that incorrect data is included; until further notice I only ask that the author be notified before any changes are made so that appropriate consultations of the need for alterations can be carried out.Should the appropriate interest and capacity within the community exist, full rights of ownership to the curation, alteration and reproduction of these contents will be transferred to the community.</p>
            <p>Information about the source</p>
           <listPerson type="Researchers">
              <person xml:id="JTB">
                 <persName role="PrimaryResearcher">Jack T. Bowers</persName>
              <person xml:id="AG">
                 <persName from-iso="2011-01" notAfter-iso="2012-08">Andrea Guerra</persName>
              <person xml:id="KRN">
                 <persName from-iso="2011-01" notAfter-iso="2012-08">Larry "Kryn" Corpus Jr.</persName>
           <listPerson type="MIX-Speakers">
              <person xml:id="TS" sex="m" role="speaker">
                 <!-- GET AGE (DOB) -->
                 <persName>Juan "Tisu'ma" Salazar</persName>
                 <residence notAfter="1994">
                    <placeName><country key="MEX">Mexico</country></placeName>
                    <placeName><region type="state">Oaxaca</region></placeName>
                    <placeName><country key="USA"/></placeName>
              <person xml:id="JS" sex="m" role="speaker">
                 <!-- GET AGE (DOB) -->
                 <persName>Geremaia "Jerry" Salazar</persName>
                 <residence notAfter="1994">
                    <country key="MEX">Mexico</country>
                    <region type="state">Oaxaca</region>
              <person xml:id="HS" sex="f" role="speaker">
                 <!-- GET AGE (DOB) -->
                 <persName>(MOTHER) Salazar</persName>
                    <country key="MEX">Mexico</country>
                    <region type="state">Oaxaca</region>
              <person xml:id="JSsr" sex="m" role="speaker">
                 <!-- GET AGE (DOB) -->
                 <persName>Juan Salazar Sr.</persName>
                    <country key="MEX">Mexico</country>
                    <region type="state">Oaxaca</region>
              <person xml:id="JDa" sex="m">
                 <!-- GET AGE (DOB) -->
                 <persName>Unknown Narrator from PSA video </persName>
                    <country key="MEX"> Mexico</country>
                    <region type="state">Oaxaca</region>
                    <district> Juxtlahuaca </district>
                    <settlement> unknown </settlement>
              <person xml:id="FS" sex="m" role="speaker">
                 <!-- GET AGE (DOB) -->
                 <persName>Fausto Sanchez</persName>
                    <country key="MEX">Mexico</country>
                    <region type="state">Oaxaca</region>
                    <district> Juxtlahuaca </district>
                    <settlement>San Juan de Mixtepec</settlement>
              <person xml:id="JDXa" sex="m" role="speaker">
                 <!-- GET AGE (DOB) -->
                 <persName>Unknown male speaker from "San Juan Mixtepec Conversation" video</persName>
                    <country key="MEX">Mexico</country>
                    <region type="state">Oaxaca</region>
                    <settlement>San Juan de Mixtepec</settlement>
              <person xml:id="F-SJMX-01" sex="f">
                 <!-- GET AGE (DOB) -->
                 <persName>Unknown male speaker from "San Juan Mixtepec Conversation" video</persName>
                    <country key="MEX">Mexico</country>
                    <region type="state">Oaxaca</region>
                    <settlement>San Juan de Mixtepec</settlement>
              <person xml:id="RV" sex="f" role="speaker">
                 <persName>Rosalba Velasco</persName>
                    <country key="MEX">Mexico</country>
                    <region type="state">Oaxaca</region>
        <change><date when-iso="2014-09-10"/></change>
         <p>This is the current inventory of Mixtepec-Mixtec speakers and researchers whose speech has been recorded, and/or transcribed and integrated into the project's language resources. </p>
Mixtepec-Mixtec Project Personography Jack T. Bowers

This language resource document for the Mixtepec-Mixtec language variety;the first publication released as part of the TAPAS project;http://tapas.neu.edu/

This resource may be freely used by members of the Mixtepec-Mixtec community for any purpose. Currently the speaker consultants Juan "Tisu'ma" Salazar and Yavanni Salazar are granted the rights to represent the Mixtepec-Mixtec community in any decisions as to who may exercise the rights of a community member as per the permissions of this publication. The content of this document may be changed by the author at the suggestion of members of the community in the case that incorrect data is included; until further notice I only ask that the author be notified before any changes are made so that appropriate consultations of the need for alterations can be carried out.Should the appropriate interest and capacity within the community exist, full rights of ownership to the curation, alteration and reproduction of these contents will be transferred to the community.

Information about the source

This is the current inventory of Mixtepec-Mixtec speakers and researchers whose speech has been recorded, and/or transcribed and integrated into the project's language resources.



Mixtepec-Mixtec Project Personography Jack T. Bowers

This language resource document for the Mixtepec-Mixtec language variety;the first publication released as part of the TAPAS project;http://tapas.neu.edu/

This resource may be freely used by members of the Mixtepec-Mixtec community for any purpose. Currently the speaker consultants Juan "Tisu'ma" Salazar and Yavanni Salazar are granted the rights to represent the Mixtepec-Mixtec community in any decisions as to who may exercise the rights of a community member as per the permissions of this publication. The content of this document may be changed by the author at the suggestion of members of the community in the case that incorrect data is included; until further notice I only ask that the author be notified before any changes are made so that appropriate consultations of the need for alterations can be carried out.Should the appropriate interest and capacity within the community exist, full rights of ownership to the curation, alteration and reproduction of these contents will be transferred to the community.

Information about the source

Jack T. Bowers Andrea Guerra Larry "Kryn" Corpus Jr. Juan "Tisu'ma" Salazar Mexico Oaxaca Juxtlahuaca Yucanani Geremaia "Jerry" Salazar Mexico Oaxaca Juxtlahuaca Yucanani (MOTHER) Salazar Mexico Oaxaca Juxtlahuaca Yucanani Juan Salazar Sr. Mexico Oaxaca Juxtlahuaca Yucanani Unknown Narrator from PSA video Mexico Oaxaca Juxtlahuaca unknown Fausto Sanchez Mexico Oaxaca Juxtlahuaca San Juan de Mixtepec Unknown male speaker from "San Juan Mixtepec Conversation" video Mexico Oaxaca Juxtlahuaca San Juan de Mixtepec Unknown male speaker from "San Juan Mixtepec Conversation" video Mexico Oaxaca Juxtlahuaca San Juan de Mixtepec Rosalba Velasco Mexico Oaxaca Juxtlahuaca Yucanani

This is the current inventory of Mixtepec-Mixtec speakers and researchers whose speech has been recorded, and/or transcribed and integrated into the project's language resources.