Tutu ña sna'a nixi skua'a ñayivi

Vertical Tabs

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:id="L145-tok">
            <title xml:lang="mix"><seg xml:id="L145-00-01"> <seg xml:id="L145-00-01-01">Tutu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-00-01-02">ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-00-01-03">sna'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-00-01-04">nixi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-00-01-06">skua'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-00-01-08">ñayivi</seg>
            <title xml:lang="esp"><seg xml:id="L145-00-02"><seg xml:id="L145-00-02-01">Cómo</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-00-02-02">estudiar</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-00-02-03">acerca</seg><seg xml:id="L145-00-02-04">del</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-00-02-05">mundo</seg>     
            <editor>Gisela Beckmann</editor>
            <editor>María M. Nieves</editor>
               <resp>Linguistic Consultation</resp>
               <name>Marina Ramos López</name>
               <name>Prof. Wilfrido López Hernández</name>
               <name>Prof. Mendoza Santiago, Francisco</name>
               <resp>TEI Encoding</resp>
               <name>Jack T. Bowers</name>  
         <publicationStmt><p> This is a tokenized version of the XML-TEI markup of the original publications by SIL Mexico for the purposes of:
            archival and for the creation of a body of Mixtepec-Mixtec language resources (LR) (ISO: mix).
            Encoded documents used with the permission of original authors.Tokenized version made for purpose of enabling standoff annotations.</p>
            <note xml:id="L145-resumen" xml:lang="esp">Este libro trata acerca de algunos conceptos básicos y generales de cómo es el mundo y su forma, cuando éste está dibujado en un planisferio. También incluye una descripción básica sobre países y continentes, conceptos como los puntos cardinales y cómo éstos se usan en el estudio de los mapas.
            <bibl xml:id="bibl.L145">
               <title>Tutu ña sna'a nixi sku'a ñayivi</title> <editor>Beckmann, Gisela</editor>; <editor>Nieves, María M.</editor>. <date>2009</date>. <edition>(2nd ed.)</edition>. <publisher>Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C.</publisher> <pubPlace>Tlalpan, D.F., México</pubPlace> <respStmt> <resp>linguistic consultation</resp> <name>Marina Ramos López</name>  <name>Prof. Wilfrido López Hernández</name> <name>Prof. Mendoza Santiago, Francisco</name></respStmt>
               Obtained from: <ptr target="http://www-01.sil.org/mexico/mixteca/mixtepec/L145-EstudiarMundo-mix.htm"/>
                  <elementSpec ident="seg">
                     <desc>In this document (and in all others in the SIL collection) the 'seg' element is used to encapsulate:
                           <item>i) the entire sentences from original document (first level);</item>
                           <item>ii) the individual lexical items contained within the sentences (second level);</item>
                  <elementSpec ident="c">
                     <desc>Within the sentence level "seg" (segment) elements all punctuation characters (".", ";", ":", "¿", "?", "!", etc.) are encapsulated in the "c" (character) element;
                        In future stages of the project, each of these punctuation characters will be formally linked with the linguistic categories with which it is associated:<eg> a sentence that begins with: "¿"
                           (and ends with: "?") can be immediately recognized as sentence type "question/interrogative";</eg>
                  <elementSpec ident="num">
                     <desc> In this document as well as the others in the document set that have numbers in their digit form, digits ([0-9] etc.) are encapsulated in the "num" (number) element to most accurately express the semantic contents;
                        The "num" elements in the TEI-XML markup of these documets may be given the following attributes:
                        (used to provide info for the exact numeric value, (this is redundant to the contents of element and may not be necessary and later versions of this encoding may not include this).
                        (given that many of the exercises in this document include numeric and prose presentations of the same problems, the @'corresp' is used to provide link between the written (orthographic) form of the number and the digit it represents;)
                  <elementSpec ident="div">
                     <desc>Where the page divisions in the original documents are, this encoding uses "div" (division) elements; this is to separate the linguistic, and knowledge data from formatting</desc>
                  <elementSpec ident="graphic">
                     <desc>All images from SIL-Mexico publications are encoded in TEI 'graphic' elements. Each is identified in attribute: @'<att>url</att>. In final output, the goal is to annotate/encode image and the semantic contents represented according to one or more Linked Open Data compatible metadata markup formats.</desc>
            <taxonomy xml:id="tax.sil-mix">
               <category xml:id="pedagogical">
                  <category xml:id="pedagogical-inter">
                  <category xml:id="pedagogical-ref">
               <category xml:id="fiction">
                  <category xml:id="fiction-fantasy">
                  <category xml:id="fiction-realistic">
               <category xml:id="folklore">
               This portion of the lexicography project deals with the only known body of literature in Mixtepec-Mixtec language which is comprised of series of 34* orthographic children's texts published by SIL Mexico (Summer Institute of Linguistics). The target audience of these documents is primarily young MIX speakers and are designed for use as classroom handouts and/or lessons for primary/elementary school-level. The topical content of these publications contain both culturally specific, and non-culturally specific subject matter supplemented by illustrations. Topics covered in these documents include: vocabulary, mathematics, telling time, geography, seasons, weather, local agricultural practices, fables, local Mixtec legends amongst others. These publications make up the second most important collection in this project and they remain the only source of reference for examples of how the working orthography of the Mixtec language is applied to the Mixtepec variety.
               The encoding of this portion of the MIX Language resources can be divided into the following components:
                  <item>i) TEI-XML markup of documents that supports reuse and extension within this project and/or for other interested parties;</item>
                  <item>ii) Annotation and glossing of lexical information and structures in documents; tasks include;
                        <item>glossing of orthographical lexical items;</item>
                        <item>assignment of lexical properties to sentences, phrases and lexical items (morpho-/syntactic; pragmatic; semantic etc.);</item>
                        <item>linking corresponding bilingual items (Spanish-Mixtec) within each document;</item>
                        <item>entry of analyzed, glossed and categorized lexical information into TEI-Dictionary;</item>
                        <item>link orthographical forms of lexical items with phonetic transcriptions of spoken forms;</item></list></item>
                  <item>iii) Classification of Document Types and Ontology Linking;
                        <item>replace current SIL document classification model<ref target="#tax.sil-mix"/> with established and expansible document system which can be used to classify any new document or literature produced in the language in the future;</item>
                        <item>as per the goal of the overall project, the use of language-specific glosses (including 'Interlingua') will be replaced by grounding the semantic profile of each lexical item by referencing ontological entities (from existing ontologies such as DBpedia, SKOS, etc.);</item>
         <change when-iso="2014-11-05">Added the abstract in Spanish which is included in the publications but was originally left out of the XML encoding.</change>
   <text decls="#pedagogical-ref">
      <front xml:lang="esp">
         <ab>Este libro trata acerca de algunos conceptos básicos y generales de cómo es el mundo y su forma, cuando éste está dibujado en un planisferio.
            También incluye una descripción básica sobre países y continentes, conceptos como los puntos cardinales y cómo éstos se usan en el estudio de los mapas.</ab>
      <body xml:lang="mix">
         <div xml:id="L145-01">
            <head><seg xml:id="L145-01-00">
               <seg xml:id="L145-01-00-01">Ntantuku</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-00-02">nuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-00-03">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-00-04">nta'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-00-05">tutu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-00-06">ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-00-07">kunu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-00-08">ka'vu</seg>
            <list type="ordered">
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-01-01">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-01-01-01">Kava</seg>  <seg xml:id="L145-01-01-02">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-01-02">Ntikumi tsio</seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-01-03"><seg xml:id="L145-01-03-01">Nixi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-03-02">na'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-03-03">ntikumi tsio</seg>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-01-04">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-01-04-01">Ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-04-02">tsa'ncha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-04-03">ma'in</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-04-04">sava</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-04-05">ntaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-04-06">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-04-07">ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-04-08">chi kuchi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-04-09">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-04-10">ninu</seg>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-01-05">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-01-05-01">Hemisferios</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-05-02">chi Kuchi</seg>  <seg xml:id="L145-01-05-03">cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-05-05">chi Ninu</seg>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-01-06">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-01-06-01">Ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-06-02">tsa'ncha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-06-03">ma'in</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-06-04">sava</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-06-05">ntaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-06-06">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-06-07">tsio kua'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-06-08">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-06-09">tsio sachi</seg>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-01-07">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-01-07-01">Hemisferios</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-07-02">Kua'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-07-03">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-07-04">Sachi</seg>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-01-08">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-01-08-01">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-08-02">ka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-08-03">tsiko</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-08-04">nui</seg>
               <item><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L145-01-09"> <seg xml:id="L145-01-09-01">Chanu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-09-02">va'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-09-03">yee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-09-04">ntuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-09-05">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-09-06">tsikuaa</seg></seg><c>?</c></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-01-10">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-01-10-01">Ñu'u</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-10-02">ka</seg>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-01-11">Hemisferio Sachi</seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-01-12">Hemisferio Kua'a</seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-01-13">Ñu'u Nkoyo</seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-01-14">Ñu'u Ntua</seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-01-15"><seg xml:id="L145-01-15-01">Kue</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-15-02">ñuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-15-03">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-15-04">chi Kuchi</seg>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-01-16"><seg xml:id="L145-01-16-01">Kue</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-16-02">ñuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-16-03">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-01-16-04">chi Ninu</seg>
         <div xml:id="L145-02" xml:lang="esp">
            <head><seg  xml:id="L145-O2-00" xml:lang="esp">Índice</seg></head>
            <list type="ordered">
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-01"><seg xml:id="L145-02-01-01">Eje</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-01-02">de</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-01-03">la</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-01-04">tierra</seg></seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-02"><seg xml:id="L145-02-02-01">Los</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-02-02">cuatro</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-02-03">puntos</seg><seg xml:id="L145-02-02-04">cardinales</seg></seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-03"><seg xml:id="L145-02-03-01">Cómo</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-03-02">podemos</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-03-03">ubicar</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-03-04">los</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-03-05">cuatro</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-03-06">puntos</seg> <seg>cardinales</seg></seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-04"><seg xml:id="L145-02-04-01">La</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-04-02">línea</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-04-03">del</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-04-04">ecuador</seg></seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-05"><seg xml:id="L145-02-05-01">Hemisferios</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-05-02">norte</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-05-03">y</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-05-04">sur</seg></seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-06">Primer meridiano</seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-07"><seg xml:id="L145-02-07-01">Hemisferios</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-07-02">oriental</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-07-03">y</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-07-04">occidental</seg></seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-08"><seg xml:id="L145-02-08-01">Movimiento</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-08-02">de</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-08-03">traslación</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-08-04">de</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-08-05">la</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-08-06">tierra</seg></seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-09"><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L145-02-09-01">Por qué</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-09-02">hay</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-09-03">día</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-09-04">y</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-09-05">noche</seg><c>?</c></seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-10"><seg xml:id="L145-02-10-01">La</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-10-02">Tierra</seg> <c>(</c><seg xml:id="L145-02-10-03">el</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-10-04">mundo</seg><c>)</c></seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-11">Hemisferio occidental</seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-12">Hemisferio oriental</seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-13"><seg xml:id="L145-02-13-01">Mapa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-13-02">de</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-13-03">la</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-13-04">República Mexicana</seg></seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-14"><seg xml:id="L145-02-14-01">Mapa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-14-02">del</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-14-03">Estado de Oaxaca</seg></seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-15"><seg xml:id="L145-02-15-01">Mapa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-15-02">de</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-15-03">América del Norte</seg></seg></item>
               <item><seg xml:id="L145-02-16"><seg xml:id="L145-02-16-01">Mapa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-16-02">de</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-02-16-03">América del Sur</seg></seg></item>
         <div xml:id="L145-03">
               <seg xml:id="L145-03-00">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-03-00-01">Kava</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-00-02">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg>
            <head><graphic url="L145_01.jpeg"/>
               <seg xml:id="L145-03-01">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-03-01-01">Ñu'u Ñcha'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-01-02">ka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-01-03">kai</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-01-04">tono</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-01-05">iin</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-01-06">tikuaa</seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-03-02">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-03-02-01">Saan</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-02-02">so</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-02-03">kavi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-02-04">nuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-02-05">ña'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-02-06">tee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-02-07">ntui</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-02-08">ra</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-02-09">koi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-02-10">yee</seg><c>,</c><seg xml:id="L145-03-02-11">cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-02-12">nania</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-03-02-13">eje</seg> <c>"</c><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-03-03">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-03-03-01">Na'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-03-02">tono</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-03-03">iin</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-03-04">yutu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-03-05">ntaa</seg></seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-03-04">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-01">Cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-02">nuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-03">ntsinu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-04">iin</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-05">tsio</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-06">iin</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-03-04-07">eje</seg><c>"</c> <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-08">nania</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-03-04-09">Polo</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-10">chi Kuchi</seg><c>"</c><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-11">sara</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-12">nuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-13">tsinu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-14">inka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-15">tsio</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-16">inka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-17">eje</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-18">nania</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-03-04-19">Polo</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-03-04-20">chi Ninu</seg><c>"</c><c>.</c></seg>
         <div xml:id="L145-04">
            <head><seg xml:id="L145-04-00">Ntikumi tsio</seg></head>
            <head><graphic url="L145_02.jpeg"/></head>
               <seg xml:id="L145-04-01">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-04-01-01">Ño'o</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-01-02">kuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-01-03">iin</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-01-04">ña'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-01-05">luu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-01-06">ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-01-07">sna'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-01-08">ntikumi tsio</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-01-09">tono</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-01-10">chi Kuchi</seg><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-04-01-11">chi Ninu</seg><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-04-01-12">chi Kua'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-01-13">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-01-14">chi Sachi</seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-04-02"><seg xml:id="L145-04-02-01">Vichi</seg><c>,</c> <c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L145-04-02-02">nchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-02-03">tsio</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-02-04">sna'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-02-05">nuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-02-06">ko</seg><c>?</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-04-03"><seg xml:id="L145-04-03-01">Kunchee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-03-02">nixi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-03-03">na'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-03-04">ntikumi tsio</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-03-05">nuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-03-06">inka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-03-07">nta'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-04-03-08">tutu</seg><c>.</c></seg>  
         <div xml:id="L145-05">
               <seg xml:id="L145-05-00"><seg xml:id="L145-05-00-01">Nixi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-00-02">na'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-00-03">ntikumi tsio</seg></seg>
            <head><graphic url="L145_03.jpeg"/></head>
               <seg xml:id="L145-05-01"><seg xml:id="L145-05-01-01">Su'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-01-02">na'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-01-03">ntikumi tsio</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-01-04">tono</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-01-05">chi Kuchi</seg><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-05-01-06">chi Ninu</seg><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-05-01-07">chi Kua'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-01-08">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-01-09">chi Sachi</seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-05-02"><seg xml:id="L145-05-02-01">Nikanchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-02-02">ka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-02-03">tsinui</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-02-04">tsio</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-02-05">kua'a</seg><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-05-03"><seg xml:id="L145-05-03-01">Kunchee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-03-02">ñasuii</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-03-03">luu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-03-04">ka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-03-05">ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-03-06">inkai</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-03-07">ma'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-03-08">ntikumi tsio</seg><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-05-04"><seg xml:id="L145-05-04-01">Tsio</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-04-02">tsito</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-04-03">nuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-04-04">ñasuii</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-04-05">yo'o</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-04-06">nania</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-04-07">chi kuchi</seg><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-05-04-08">cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-04-09">chi Ninu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-04-10">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-04-11">sata</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-04-12">tsi</seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-05-05"><seg xml:id="L145-05-05-01">Cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-05-02">nche'e</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-05-03">ko</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-05-04">tuku</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-05-05">ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-05-06">chi Kua'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-05-07">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-05-08">nikanchii</seg><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-05-05-09">ra</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-05-10">chi Sachi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-05-11">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-05-12">nta'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-05-05-13">tsi</seg><c>.</c></seg>
         <div xml:id="L145-06">
               <seg xml:id="L145-06-00"><seg xml:id="L145-06-00-01">Ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-00-02">tsa'ncha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-00-03">ma'in</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-00-04">sava</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-00-05">ntaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-00-06">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-00-07">ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-00-08">chi kuchi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-00-09">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-00-10">ninu</seg></seg></head>
            <head><graphic url="L145_04.jpeg"/></head>
               <seg xml:id="L145-06-01"><seg xml:id="L145-06-01-01">Ntuku'un</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-01-02">inu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-01-03">ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-01-04">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-01-05">ka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-01-06">kui</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-01-07">tono</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-01-08">iin</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-01-09">tikuaa</seg><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-06-02"><c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-06-02-01">Ecuador</seg><c>"</c> <seg xml:id="L145-06-02-02">kuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-02-03">ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-02-04">tsa'ncha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-02-05">sava</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-02-06">ntaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-02-07">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-02-08">chi Kuchi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-02-09">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-02-10">chi Ninu</seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-06-03"><seg xml:id="L145-06-03-01">Cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-03-02">kacho</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-03-03">ña'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-03-04">ntui</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-03-05">ra</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-03-06">koi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-03-07">yee</seg><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-06-04"><seg xml:id="L145-06-04-01">Sava</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-04-02">ntaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-04-03">chi Kuchi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-04-04">nania</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-06-04-05">Hemisferio Kuchi</seg><c>"</c><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-06-04-06">cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-04-07">sava</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-04-08">ntaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-04-09">chi Ninu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-04-10">nania</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-06-04-11">Hemisferio</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-06-04-12">Ninu</seg><c>"</c><c>.</c></seg>
         <div xml:id="L145-07">
               <seg xml:id="L145-07-00"><seg xml:id="L145-07-00-01">Hemisferios</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-00-02">chi Kuchi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-00-03">cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-00-04">chi Ninu</seg></seg>
            <head><graphic url="L145_05.jpeg"/></head>
               <seg xml:id="L145-07-01"><seg xml:id="L145-07-01-01">Kunchee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-01-02">ña</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-07-01-03">Polo</seg><c>"</c> <seg xml:id="L145-07-01-04">tsi</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-07-01-05">Hemisferio</seg><c>"</c> <seg xml:id="L145-07-01-06">siin siin</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-01-07">kui</seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-07-02"><c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-07-02-01">Polo</seg><c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-07-02-02">kunia</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-02-03">kachia</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-02-04">nuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-02-05">tsinu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-02-06">iin</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-02-07">eje</seg> <c>(</c><seg xml:id="L145-07-02-08">ka'vi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-02-09">nta'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-02-10">tutu</seg> <num xml:id="L145-07-02-11">5</num><c>)</c><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-07-03"><seg xml:id="L145-07-03-01">Cha</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-07-03-02">Hemisferio</seg><c>"</c> <seg xml:id="L145-07-03-03">kunia</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-03-04">kachia</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-03-05">sava</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-03-06">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg> <c>(</c><seg xml:id="L145-07-03-07">ka'vi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-03-08">nta'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-07-03-09">tutu</seg><num xml:id="L145-07-03-10">8</num><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg>
         <div xml:id="L145-08">
            <head><seg xml:id="L145-08-00"><seg xml:id="L145-08-00-01">Ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-00-02">tsa'ncha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-00-03">ma'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-00-04">sava</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-00-05">ntaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-00-06">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-00-07">tsio kua'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-00-08">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-00-09">tsio sachi</seg></seg></head>
            <head><graphic url="L145_06.jpeg"/></head>
               <seg xml:id="L145-08-01"><seg xml:id="L145-08-01-01">Ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-01-02">tsan'cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-01-03">ma'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-01-04">sava</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-01-05">ntaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-01-06">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-01-07">tsio kua'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-01-08">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-01-09">tsio sachi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-01-10">nania</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-08-01-11">Meridiano</seg><c>"</c><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-08-02"><seg xml:id="L145-08-02-01">Cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-02-02">kacho</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-02-03">ña'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-02-04">ntui</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-02-05">ra</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-02-06">koi</seg><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-08-03"><seg xml:id="L145-08-03-01">Kitsai</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-03-02">chi kuchi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-03-03">cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-03-04">tsai</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-03-05">mancha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-03-06">chi ninu</seg><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-08-04"><seg xml:id="L145-08-04-01">Tsio kua'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-04-02">nani</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-08-04-03">Hemisferio Kua'a</seg><c>"</c><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-08-04-04">cha</seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-08-04-05">tsio sachi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-08-04-06">nani</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-08-04-07">Hemisferio Sachi</seg><c>"</c><c>.</c> </seg>
         <div xml:id="L145-09">
            <head><seg xml:id="L145-09-00"><seg xml:id="L145-09-00-01">Hemisferios</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-00-02">Kua'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-00-03">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-00-04">Sachi</seg></seg></head>
            <head><graphic url="L145_07.jpeg"/></head>
               <seg xml:id="L145-09-01"> <seg xml:id="L145-09-01-01">Su'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-01-02">na'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-01-03">ntintuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-01-05">tsio</seg><c>;</c> <seg xml:id="L145-09-01-06">tsio kua'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-01-07">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-01-08">tsio sachi</seg><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-09-02"><seg xml:id="L145-09-02-01">Kunchee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-02-02">ko</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-02-03">ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-02-04">yee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-02-05">uvi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-02-06">tsio</seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-09-03"><seg xml:id="L145-09-03-01">Inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-03-02">ñu'u</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-03-03">ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-03-04">América</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-03-05">tsio sachi</seg> <c>(</c><seg xml:id="L145-09-03-06">Hemisferio sachi</seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-09-04"><seg xml:id="L145-09-04-01">Cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-04-02">ñu'u</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-04-03">África</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-04-04">tsi</seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-09-04-05">Ñu'u</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-04-06">Europa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-04-07">inkai</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-09-04-08">tsio kua'a</seg> <c>(</c><seg xml:id="L145-09-04-09">Hemisferio kua'a</seg><c>)</c><c>.</c></seg>
         <div xml:id="L145-10">
            <head><seg xml:id="L145-10-00">
               <seg xml:id="L145-10-00-01">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-10-00-02">ka</seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-10-00-03">tsiko</seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-10-00-04">nui</seg></seg>
            <head><graphic url="L145_08.jpeg"/></head>
               <seg xml:id="L145-10-01">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-10-01-01">Cha</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-10-01-02">su'a</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-10-01-03">kuu</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-10-01-04">ña</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-10-01-05">kaa</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-10-01-06">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-10-01-07">nuu</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-10-01-08">tsiko</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-10-01-09">nui</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-10-01-10">nikanchii</seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-10-02">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-10-02-01">Cha</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-10-02-02">tsiko</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-10-02-03">nui</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-10-02-04">iin</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-10-02-05">kuia</seg>
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                  <seg xml:id="L145-12-00-01">Chanu</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-12-00-02">va'a</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-12-00-03">yee</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-12-00-04">ntuu</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-12-00-05">tsi</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-12-00-06">tsikuaa</seg>
            <head><graphic url="L145_09.jpeg"/></head>
               <seg xml:id="L145-12-01">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-12-01-01">Tsa</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-12-01-02">tsino</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-12-01-03">ña</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-12-01-04">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-12-01-05">yo'o</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-12-01-06">kui</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-12-01-07">tono</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-12-01-08">iin</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-12-01-09">tikuaa</seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-12-02"><seg xml:id="L145-12-02-01">Tsio</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-12-02-02">kani</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-12-02-03">nikanchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-12-02-04">kui</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-12-02-05">ntuu</seg><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-12-02-06">cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-12-02-07">tsio</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-12-02-08">sa'vi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-12-02-09">nikanchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-12-02-10">kui</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-12-02-11">tsikuaa</seg><c>.</c></seg>
         <div xml:id="L145-13">
            <head><seg xml:id="L145-13-00"><seg xml:id="L145-13-00-01">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-00-02">ka</seg></seg></head>
            <head><graphic url="L145_10.jpeg"/></head>
               <seg xml:id="L145-13-01"><seg xml:id="L145-13-01-01">Yee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-01-02">ñu'u</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-01-03">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-01-04">chikuii</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-01-05">nuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-01-06">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-13-02"><seg xml:id="L145-13-02-01">Yee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-02-02">kua'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-02-03">ka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-02-04">chikuii</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-02-05">cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-02-06">xoo</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-02-07">ka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-02-08">ñu'u</seg><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-13-03"><seg xml:id="L145-13-03-01">Yee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-03-02">ñu'u</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-03-03">luu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-03-04">ka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-03-05">nania</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-13-03-06">islas</seg><c>"</c> <c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-13-03-07">cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-03-08">inkai</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-03-09">ma'i</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-03-10">chikuii</seg><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-13-04"><seg xml:id="L145-13-04-01">Cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-04-02">ñu'u</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-04-03">ka'nu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-04-04">ka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-04-05">nania</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-13-04-06">continente</seg><c>"</c><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-13-05"><seg xml:id="L145-13-05-01">Yee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-05-02">iñu</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-13-05-03">continente</seg><c>"</c> <seg xml:id="L145-13-05-04">nania</seg><c>:</c> <seg xml:id="L145-13-05-05">África</seg><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-13-05-06">América</seg><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-13-05-07">Antártida</seg><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-13-05-08">Asia</seg><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-13-05-09">Europa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-05-10">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-13-05-11">Oceanía</seg><c>.</c></seg>
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            <head><seg xml:id="L145-14-00">Hemisferio Sachi</seg></head>
            <head><graphic url="L145_11.jpeg"/></head>
               <seg xml:id="L145-14-01"><seg xml:id="L145-14-01-01">Inkaa</seg>  <seg xml:id="L145-14-01-02">iin </seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-14-01-03">continente</seg><c>"</c> <seg xml:id="L145-14-01-04">nani</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-14-01-05">América</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-14-01-06">nuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-14-01-07">Hemisferio Sachi</seg><c>.</c> </seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-14-02"><seg xml:id="L145-14-02-01">Cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-14-02-02">continente</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-14-02-03">yo</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-14-02-04">savi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-14-02-05">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-14-02-06">chi kuchi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-14-02-07">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-14-02-08">ninu</seg><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-14-03">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-14-03-01">Koo</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-14-03-02">kue</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-14-03-03">nivi</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-14-03-04">Yee</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-14-03-05">continente</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-14-03-06">Antártida</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-14-03-07">vari</seg> 
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                  <seg xml:id="L145-14-03-09">kua'a</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-14-03-10">xeen</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-14-03-11">yu'a</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-14-03-12">cha</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-14-03-13">vitsi</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-14-03-14">xeen</seg>
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            <head><seg xml:id="L145-15-00">Hemisferio Kua'a</seg></head>
            <head><graphic url="L145_12.jpeg"/></head>
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                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-01-01">Inkaa</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-01-02">kumi</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-01-03">continente</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-01-04">tsi</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-01-05">Hemisferio Kua'a</seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-15-02">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-02-01">Cha</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-02-02">kue</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-02-03">ño'o</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-02-04">kuu</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-02-05">Europa</seg><c>,</c>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-02-06">África</seg><c>,</c>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-02-07">Asia</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-02-08">tsi</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-02-09">Oceanía</seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-15-03">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-03-01">Kuna'u</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-03-02">ña</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-03-03">iin</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-03-04">continente</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-03-05">kui</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-03-06">iin</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-03-07">ñu'u</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-15-03-08">ka'nu</seg><c>.</c>
         <div xml:id="L145-16">
            <head><seg xml:id="L145-16-00">Ñu'u Nko'yo</seg></head>
            <head><graphic url="L145_13.jpeg"/></head>
               <seg xml:id="L145-16-01">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-01-01">Cha</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-01-02">Yee</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-01-03">oko utsi iin</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-01-04">ñuu</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-01-05">ka'nu</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-01-06">nania</seg> 
                  <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-16-01-07">estado</seg><c>"</c>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-01-08">nuu</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-01-09">Nko'yo</seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-16-02">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-02-01">Cha</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-02-02">Yee</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-02-03">tuku</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-02-04">utsi uni</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-02-05">ñu'u</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-02-06">kuachi</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-02-07">ma'i</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-02-08">chikuii</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-02-09">yachi</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-16-02-10">Baja California</seg><c>.</c>
         <div xml:id="L145-17">
            <head><seg xml:id="L145-17-00">Ñu'u Ntua</seg></head>
            <head><graphic url="L145_14.jpeg"/></head>
               <seg xml:id="L145-17-01">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-01-01">Nuu</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-01-02">Ñu'u Ncha'i</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-01-03">kantu'u</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-01-04">nuu</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-01-05">Ñuu Ntua</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-01-06">ita'in</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-01-07">tsi</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-01-08">sava</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-01-09">ka</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-01-10">kue</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-01-12">Ñuu</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-01-13">na'nu</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-01-14">tsio</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-01-15">tsinu</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-01-16">nikanchii</seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-17-02">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-02-01">Ita'in</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-02-02">tsi</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-02-03">Ñuu</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-02-04">nani</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-02-05">Chiapas</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-02-06">tsi</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-02-07">Veracruz</seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-17-03">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-03-01">Nuu</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-03-02">inkaa</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-03-03">tsio</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-03-04">keta</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-03-05">nikanchii</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-03-06">kantu'u</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-03-07">Ñu'u</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-03-09">ita'an</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-03-10">tuku</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-03-11">tsi</seg> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-03-12">ñuu</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-03-13">nania</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-03-14">Yucha Ncho'o</seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-17-04">
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-04-01">Ichi</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-04-02">ninu</seg>
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-04-03">inkaa</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-17-04-04">mar</seg><c>"</c> 
                  <seg xml:id="L145-17-04-05">nani</seg> <c>"</c><seg xml:id="L145-17-04-06">Océano Pacífico</seg><c>"</c><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-17-05"><seg xml:id="L145-17-05-01">Ño'o</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-17-05-02">kuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-17-05-03">ntikumi tsio</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-17-05-04">kue</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-17-05-05">ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-17-05-06">ita'an</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-17-05-07">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-17-05-08">ñuu Ntua</seg><c>.</c>
         <div xml:id="L145-18">
            <head><seg xml:id="L145-18-00"><seg xml:id="L145-18-00-01">Kue</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-00-02">ñuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-00-03">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-00-04">chi Kuchi</seg></seg></head>
            <head><graphic url="L145_15.jpeg"/></head>
               <seg xml:id="L145-18-01"><seg xml:id="L145-18-01-01">Kunchee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-01-02">ña</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-01-03">Canadá</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-01-04">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-01-05">Estados Unidos</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-01-06">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-01-07">kui</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-01-08">chi kuchi</seg><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-18-02"><seg xml:id="L145-18-02-01">Cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-02-02">Nko'yo</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-02-03">inkai</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-02-04">chi ninu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-02-05">ñuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-02-06">Estados Unidos</seg><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-18-03"><seg xml:id="L145-18-03-01">Yee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-03-02">uxiko utsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-03-03">kue</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-03-04">estado</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-03-05">nuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-03-06">Estados Unidos</seg><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-18-04"> <seg xml:id="L145-18-04-01">Ika</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-04-02">kua'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-04-03">nchu'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-04-04">na</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-04-05">ñoo</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-04-06">ntee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-04-07">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-04-08">kue</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-04-09">se'e</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-04-10">na</seg><c>.</c></seg> 
               <seg xml:id="L145-18-05"><seg xml:id="L145-18-05-01">Kua'an</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-05-02">na</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-05-03">ntuku</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-05-04">na</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-05-05">xu'un</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-05-06">takua</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-05-07">na</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-05-08">koo</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-05-09">va'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-05-10">kuena</seg><c>.</c></seg>
               <seg xml:id="L145-18-06"><seg xml:id="L145-18-06-01">Cha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-06-02">kua'an</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-06-03">na</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-06-04">ntisaan</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-06-05">so</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-06-06">kue</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-06-07">ñuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-06-08">Estados Unidos</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-06-09">ka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-06-10">yee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-18-06-11">kuena</seg><c>.</c></seg>
         <div xml:id="L145-19">
            <head><seg xml:id="L145-19-00"><seg xml:id="L145-19-00-01">Kue</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-00-02">ñuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-00-03">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-00-04">chi Ninu</seg></seg></head>
            <head><graphic url="L145_16.jpeg"/></head>
               <seg xml:id="L145-19-01"><seg xml:id="L145-19-01-01">Yee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-01-02-01">utsi uni</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-01-02-02">ñuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-01-03">nuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-01-04">Ñu'u chi Ninu</seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-19-02"><seg xml:id="L145-19-02-01">Ika</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-02-02">ka'an</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-02-03">na</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-02-04">siin siin</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-02-05">sa'an</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-02-06">tono</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-02-07">sa'an xchila</seg><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-19-02-08">portugués</seg><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-19-02-09">francés</seg><c>,</c> <seg xml:id="L145-19-02-10">quechua</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-02-11">tsi</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-02-12">inka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-02-13">ka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-02-14">kue</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-02-15">sa'an</seg><c>.</c>
               <seg xml:id="L145-19-03"><seg xml:id="L145-19-03-01">Yee</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-03-02">iin</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-03-03">yucha</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-03-04">ka'nu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-03-05">nchu'a</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-03-06">ka</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-03-07">nuu</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-03-08">nii</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-03-09">Ñu'u Nchai</seg> <seg xml:id="L145-19-03-10">nania</seg><c>"</c> <seg xml:id="L145-19-03-11">Amazonas</seg><c>"</c><c>.</c>
Tutu ña sna'a nixi skua'a ñayivi Cómo estudiar acerca del mundo Gisela Beckmann María M. Nieves Linguistic Consultation Marina Ramos López Prof. Wilfrido López Hernández Prof. Mendoza Santiago, Francisco TEI Encoding Jack T. Bowers

This is a tokenized version of the XML-TEI markup of the original publications by SIL Mexico for the purposes of: archival and for the creation of a body of Mixtepec-Mixtec language resources (LR) (ISO: mix). Encoded documents used with the permission of original authors.Tokenized version made for purpose of enabling standoff annotations.

Este libro trata acerca de algunos conceptos básicos y generales de cómo es el mundo y su forma, cuando éste está dibujado en un planisferio. También incluye una descripción básica sobre países y continentes, conceptos como los puntos cardinales y cómo éstos se usan en el estudio de los mapas. Tutu ña sna'a nixi sku'a ñayivi Beckmann, Gisela; Nieves, María M.. 2009. (2nd ed.). Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C. Tlalpan, D.F., México linguistic consultation Marina Ramos López Prof. Wilfrido López Hernández Prof. Mendoza Santiago, Francisco Obtained from: http://www-01.sil.org/mexico/mixteca/mixtepec/L145-EstudiarMundo-mix.htm

In this document (and in all others in the SIL collection) the 'seg' element is used to encapsulate: i) the entire sentences from original document (first level); ii) the individual lexical items contained within the sentences (second level); Within the sentence level "seg" (segment) elements all punctuation characters (".", ";", ":", "¿", "?", "!", etc.) are encapsulated in the "c" (character) element; In future stages of the project, each of these punctuation characters will be formally linked with the linguistic categories with which it is associated: a sentence that begins with: "¿" (and ends with: "?") can be immediately recognized as sentence type "question/interrogative"; In this document as well as the others in the document set that have numbers in their digit form, digits ([0-9] etc.) are encapsulated in the "num" (number) element to most accurately express the semantic contents; The "num" elements in the TEI-XML markup of these documets may be given the following attributes: '@value' (used to provide info for the exact numeric value, (this is redundant to the contents of element and may not be necessary and later versions of this encoding may not include this). '@corresp' (given that many of the exercises in this document include numeric and prose presentations of the same problems, the @'corresp' is used to provide link between the written (orthographic) form of the number and the digit it represents;) Where the page divisions in the original documents are, this encoding uses "div" (division) elements; this is to separate the linguistic, and knowledge data from formatting All images from SIL-Mexico publications are encoded in TEI 'graphic' elements. Each is identified in attribute: @'url. In final output, the goal is to annotate/encode image and the semantic contents represented according to one or more Linked Open Data compatible metadata markup formats.


This portion of the lexicography project deals with the only known body of literature in Mixtepec-Mixtec language which is comprised of series of 34* orthographic children's texts published by SIL Mexico (Summer Institute of Linguistics). The target audience of these documents is primarily young MIX speakers and are designed for use as classroom handouts and/or lessons for primary/elementary school-level. The topical content of these publications contain both culturally specific, and non-culturally specific subject matter supplemented by illustrations. Topics covered in these documents include: vocabulary, mathematics, telling time, geography, seasons, weather, local agricultural practices, fables, local Mixtec legends amongst others. These publications make up the second most important collection in this project and they remain the only source of reference for examples of how the working orthography of the Mixtec language is applied to the Mixtepec variety. The encoding of this portion of the MIX Language resources can be divided into the following components: i) TEI-XML markup of documents that supports reuse and extension within this project and/or for other interested parties; ii) Annotation and glossing of lexical information and structures in documents; tasks include; glossing of orthographical lexical items; assignment of lexical properties to sentences, phrases and lexical items (morpho-/syntactic; pragmatic; semantic etc.); linking corresponding bilingual items (Spanish-Mixtec) within each document; entry of analyzed, glossed and categorized lexical information into TEI-Dictionary; link orthographical forms of lexical items with phonetic transcriptions of spoken forms; iii) Classification of Document Types and Ontology Linking; replace current SIL document classification model#tax.sil-mix with established and expansible document system which can be used to classify any new document or literature produced in the language in the future; as per the goal of the overall project, the use of language-specific glosses (including 'Interlingua') will be replaced by grounding the semantic profile of each lexical item by referencing ontological entities (from existing ontologies such as DBpedia, SKOS, etc.);

Added the abstract in Spanish which is included in the publications but was originally left out of the XML encoding.
Este libro trata acerca de algunos conceptos básicos y generales de cómo es el mundo y su forma, cuando éste está dibujado en un planisferio. También incluye una descripción básica sobre países y continentes, conceptos como los puntos cardinales y cómo éstos se usan en el estudio de los mapas.
Ntantuku nuu inkaa nta'a tutu ña kunu ka'vu Kava Ñu'u Ncha'i Ntikumi tsio Nixi na'a ntikumi tsio Ña tsa'ncha ma'in sava ntaa Ñu'u Ncha'i ña chi kuchi tsi ninu Hemisferios chi Kuchi cha chi Ninu Ña tsa'ncha ma'in sava ntaa Ñu'u Ncha'i tsio kua'a tsi tsio sachi Hemisferios Kua'a tsi Sachi Ñu'u Ncha'i ka tsiko nui ¿ Chanu va'a yee ntuu tsi tsikuaa ? Ñu'u ka Hemisferio Sachi Hemisferio Kua'a Ñu'u Nkoyo Ñu'u Ntua Kue ñuu inkaa chi Kuchi Kue ñuu inkaa chi Ninu
Índice Eje de la tierra Los cuatro puntos cardinales Cómo podemos ubicar los cuatro puntos cardinales La línea del ecuador Hemisferios norte y sur Primer meridiano Hemisferios oriental y occidental Movimiento de traslación de la tierra ¿ Por qué hay día y noche ? La Tierra ( el mundo ) Hemisferio occidental Hemisferio oriental Mapa de la República Mexicana Mapa del Estado de Oaxaca Mapa de América del Norte Mapa de América del Sur
Kava Ñu'u Ncha'i

Ñu'u Ñcha'i ka kai tono iin tikuaa . Saan so kavi nuu ña'a tee ntui ra koi yee , cha nania " eje " . Na'i tono iin yutu ntaa .

Cha nuu ntsinu iin tsio iin " eje " nania " Polo chi Kuchi " , sara nuu tsinu inka tsio inka eje nania " Polo chi Ninu " .

Ntikumi tsio

Ño'o kuu iin ña'a luu ña sna'a ntikumi tsio tono chi Kuchi , chi Ninu , chi Kua'a tsi chi Sachi . Vichi , ¿ nchii tsio sna'i nuu ko ? Kunchee nixi na'a ntikumi tsio nuu inka nta'a tutu .

Nixi na'a ntikumi tsio

Su'a na'a ntikumi tsio tono chi Kuchi , chi Ninu , chi Kua'a tsi chi Sachi . Nikanchii ka tsinui tsio kua'a .

Kunchee ñasuii luu ka ña inkai ma'i ntikumi tsio . Tsio tsito nuu ñasuii yo'o nania chi kuchi , cha chi Ninu inkaa sata tsi . Cha nche'e ko tuku ña chi Kua'a inkaa nikanchii , ra chi Sachi inkaa nta'a tsi .

Ña tsa'ncha ma'in sava ntaa Ñu'u Ncha'i ña chi kuchi tsi ninu

Ntuku'un inu ña Ñu'u Ncha'i ka kui tono iin tikuaa . " Ecuador " kuu ña tsa'ncha sava ntaa Ñu'u Ncha'i chi Kuchi tsi chi Ninu . Cha kacho ña'a ntui ra koi yee . Sava ntaa chi Kuchi nania " Hemisferio Kuchi " , cha sava ntaa chi Ninu nania " Hemisferio Ninu " .

Hemisferios chi Kuchi cha chi Ninu

Kunchee ña " Polo " tsi " Hemisferio " siin siin kui . " Polo " kunia kachia nuu tsinu iin eje ( ka'vi nta'a tutu 5 ) . Cha " Hemisferio " kunia kachia sava Ñu'u Ncha'i ( ka'vi nta'a tutu 8 ) .

Ña tsa'ncha ma'i sava ntaa Ñu'u Ncha'i tsio kua'a tsi tsio sachi

Ña tsan'cha ma'i sava ntaa Ñu'u Ncha'i tsio kua'a tsi tsio sachi nania " Meridiano " . Cha kacho ña'a ntui ra koi . Kitsai chi kuchi cha tsai mancha chi ninu . Tsio kua'a nani " Hemisferio Kua'a " , cha tsio sachi nani " Hemisferio Sachi " .

Hemisferios Kua'a tsi Sachi

Su'a na'a ntintuu tsio ; tsio kua'a tsi tsio sachi . Kunchee ko ña yee uvi tsio . Inkaa ñu'u ña América tsio sachi ( Hemisferio sachi ) . Cha ñu'u África tsi Ñu'u Europa inkai tsio kua'a ( Hemisferio kua'a ) .

Ñu'u Ncha'i ka tsiko nui

Cha su'a kuu ña kaa Ñu'u Ncha'i nuu tsiko nui nikanchii . Cha tsiko nui iin kuia .

¿ Chanu va'a yee ntuu tsi tsikuaa ?

Tsa tsino ña Ñu'u Ncha'i yo'o kui tono iin tikuaa . Tsio kani nikanchii kui ntuu , cha tsio sa'vi nikanchii kui tsikuaa .

Ñu'u Ncha'i ka

Yee ñu'u tsi chikuii nuu Ñu'u Ncha'i . Yee kua'a ka chikuii cha xoo ka ñu'u . Yee ñu'u luu ka nania " islas " , cha inkai ma'i chikuii . Cha ñu'u ka'nu ka nania " continente " . Yee iñu " continente " nania : África , América , Antártida , Asia , Europa tsi Oceanía .

Hemisferio Sachi

Inkaa iin " continente " nani América nuu Hemisferio Sachi . Cha continente yo savi inkaa chi kuchi tsi ninu . Koo kue nivi Yee continente Antártida vari yee kua'a xeen yu'a cha vitsi xeen .

Hemisferio Kua'a

Inkaa kumi continente tsi Hemisferio Kua'a . Cha kue ño'o kuu Europa , África , Asia tsi Oceanía . Kuna'u ña iin continente kui iin ñu'u ka'nu .

Ñu'u Nko'yo

Cha Yee oko utsi iin ñuu ka'nu nania " estado " nuu Nko'yo . Cha Yee tuku utsi uni ñu'u kuachi ma'i chikuii yachi Baja California .

Ñu'u Ntua

Nuu Ñu'u Ncha'i kantu'u nuu Ñuu Ntua ita'in tsi sava ka kue Ñuu na'nu tsio tsinu nikanchii . Ita'in tsi Ñuu nani Chiapas tsi Veracruz . Nuu inkaa tsio keta nikanchii kantu'u Ñu'u ita'an tuku tsi ñuu nania Yucha Ncho'o . Ichi ninu inkaa " mar " nani " Océano Pacífico " . Ño'o kuu ntikumi tsio kue ña ita'an tsi ñuu Ntua .

Kue ñuu inkaa chi Kuchi

Kunchee ña Canadá tsi Estados Unidos inkaa kui chi kuchi . Cha Nko'yo inkai chi ninu ñuu Estados Unidos . Yee uxiko utsi kue estado nuu Estados Unidos . Ika kua'a nchu'a na ñoo ntee tsi kue se'e na . Kua'an na ntuku na xu'un takua na koo va'a kuena . Cha kua'an na ntisaan so kue ñuu Estados Unidos ka yee kuena .

Kue ñuu inkaa chi Ninu

Yee utsi uni ñuu nuu Ñu'u chi Ninu . Ika ka'an na siin siin sa'an tono sa'an xchila , portugués , francés , quechua tsi inka ka kue sa'an . Yee iin yucha ka'nu nchu'a ka nuu nii Ñu'u Nchai nania " Amazonas " .



Tutu ña sna'a nixi skua'a ñayivi Cómo estudiar acerca del mundo Gisela Beckmann María M. Nieves Linguistic Consultation Marina Ramos López Prof. Wilfrido López Hernández Prof. Mendoza Santiago, Francisco TEI Encoding Jack T. Bowers

This is a tokenized version of the XML-TEI markup of the original publications by SIL Mexico for the purposes of: archival and for the creation of a body of Mixtepec-Mixtec language resources (LR) (ISO: mix). Encoded documents used with the permission of original authors.Tokenized version made for purpose of enabling standoff annotations.

Este libro trata acerca de algunos conceptos básicos y generales de cómo es el mundo y su forma, cuando éste está dibujado en un planisferio. También incluye una descripción básica sobre países y continentes, conceptos como los puntos cardinales y cómo éstos se usan en el estudio de los mapas. Tutu ña sna'a nixi sku'a ñayivi Beckmann, Gisela; Nieves, María M.. 2009. (2nd ed.). Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C. Tlalpan, D.F., México linguistic consultation Marina Ramos López Prof. Wilfrido López Hernández Prof. Mendoza Santiago, Francisco Obtained from: http://www-01.sil.org/mexico/mixteca/mixtepec/L145-EstudiarMundo-mix.htm

In this document (and in all others in the SIL collection) the 'seg' element is used to encapsulate: i) the entire sentences from original document (first level); ii) the individual lexical items contained within the sentences (second level); Within the sentence level "seg" (segment) elements all punctuation characters (".", ";", ":", "¿", "?", "!", etc.) are encapsulated in the "c" (character) element; In future stages of the project, each of these punctuation characters will be formally linked with the linguistic categories with which it is associated: a sentence that begins with: "¿" (and ends with: "?") can be immediately recognized as sentence type "question/interrogative"; In this document as well as the others in the document set that have numbers in their digit form, digits ([0-9] etc.) are encapsulated in the "num" (number) element to most accurately express the semantic contents; The "num" elements in the TEI-XML markup of these documets may be given the following attributes: '@value' (used to provide info for the exact numeric value, (this is redundant to the contents of element and may not be necessary and later versions of this encoding may not include this). '@corresp' (given that many of the exercises in this document include numeric and prose presentations of the same problems, the @'corresp' is used to provide link between the written (orthographic) form of the number and the digit it represents;) Where the page divisions in the original documents are, this encoding uses "div" (division) elements; this is to separate the linguistic, and knowledge data from formatting All images from SIL-Mexico publications are encoded in TEI 'graphic' elements. Each is identified in attribute: @'url. In final output, the goal is to annotate/encode image and the semantic contents represented according to one or more Linked Open Data compatible metadata markup formats.


This portion of the lexicography project deals with the only known body of literature in Mixtepec-Mixtec language which is comprised of series of 34* orthographic children's texts published by SIL Mexico (Summer Institute of Linguistics). The target audience of these documents is primarily young MIX speakers and are designed for use as classroom handouts and/or lessons for primary/elementary school-level. The topical content of these publications contain both culturally specific, and non-culturally specific subject matter supplemented by illustrations. Topics covered in these documents include: vocabulary, mathematics, telling time, geography, seasons, weather, local agricultural practices, fables, local Mixtec legends amongst others. These publications make up the second most important collection in this project and they remain the only source of reference for examples of how the working orthography of the Mixtec language is applied to the Mixtepec variety. The encoding of this portion of the MIX Language resources can be divided into the following components: i) TEI-XML markup of documents that supports reuse and extension within this project and/or for other interested parties; ii) Annotation and glossing of lexical information and structures in documents; tasks include; glossing of orthographical lexical items; assignment of lexical properties to sentences, phrases and lexical items (morpho-/syntactic; pragmatic; semantic etc.); linking corresponding bilingual items (Spanish-Mixtec) within each document; entry of analyzed, glossed and categorized lexical information into TEI-Dictionary; link orthographical forms of lexical items with phonetic transcriptions of spoken forms; iii) Classification of Document Types and Ontology Linking; replace current SIL document classification model with established and expansible document system which can be used to classify any new document or literature produced in the language in the future; as per the goal of the overall project, the use of language-specific glosses (including 'Interlingua') will be replaced by grounding the semantic profile of each lexical item by referencing ontological entities (from existing ontologies such as DBpedia, SKOS, etc.);

Added the abstract in Spanish which is included in the publications but was originally left out of the XML encoding.
Este libro trata acerca de algunos conceptos básicos y generales de cómo es el mundo y su forma, cuando éste está dibujado en un planisferio. También incluye una descripción básica sobre países y continentes, conceptos como los puntos cardinales y cómo éstos se usan en el estudio de los mapas.
Ntantuku nuu inkaa nta'a tutu ña kunu ka'vu Kava Ñu'u Ncha'i Ntikumi tsio Nixi na'a ntikumi tsio Ña tsa'ncha ma'in sava ntaa Ñu'u Ncha'i ña chi kuchi tsi ninu Hemisferios chi Kuchi cha chi Ninu Ña tsa'ncha ma'in sava ntaa Ñu'u Ncha'i tsio kua'a tsi tsio sachi Hemisferios Kua'a tsi Sachi Ñu'u Ncha'i ka tsiko nui ¿ Chanu va'a yee ntuu tsi tsikuaa ? Ñu'u ka Hemisferio Sachi Hemisferio Kua'a Ñu'u Nkoyo Ñu'u Ntua Kue ñuu inkaa chi Kuchi Kue ñuu inkaa chi Ninu
Índice Eje de la tierra Los cuatro puntos cardinales Cómo podemos ubicar los cuatro puntos cardinales La línea del ecuador Hemisferios norte y sur Primer meridiano Hemisferios oriental y occidental Movimiento de traslación de la tierra ¿ Por qué hay día y noche ? La Tierra ( el mundo ) Hemisferio occidental Hemisferio oriental Mapa de la República Mexicana Mapa del Estado de Oaxaca Mapa de América del Norte Mapa de América del Sur
Kava Ñu'u Ncha'i

Ñu'u Ñcha'i ka kai tono iin tikuaa . Saan so kavi nuu ña'a tee ntui ra koi yee , cha nania " eje " . Na'i tono iin yutu ntaa .

Cha nuu ntsinu iin tsio iin " eje " nania " Polo chi Kuchi " , sara nuu tsinu inka tsio inka eje nania " Polo chi Ninu " .

Ntikumi tsio

Ño'o kuu iin ña'a luu ña sna'a ntikumi tsio tono chi Kuchi , chi Ninu , chi Kua'a tsi chi Sachi . Vichi , ¿ nchii tsio sna'i nuu ko ? Kunchee nixi na'a ntikumi tsio nuu inka nta'a tutu .

Nixi na'a ntikumi tsio

Su'a na'a ntikumi tsio tono chi Kuchi , chi Ninu , chi Kua'a tsi chi Sachi . Nikanchii ka tsinui tsio kua'a .

Kunchee ñasuii luu ka ña inkai ma'i ntikumi tsio . Tsio tsito nuu ñasuii yo'o nania chi kuchi , cha chi Ninu inkaa sata tsi . Cha nche'e ko tuku ña chi Kua'a inkaa nikanchii , ra chi Sachi inkaa nta'a tsi .

Ña tsa'ncha ma'in sava ntaa Ñu'u Ncha'i ña chi kuchi tsi ninu

Ntuku'un inu ña Ñu'u Ncha'i ka kui tono iin tikuaa . " Ecuador " kuu ña tsa'ncha sava ntaa Ñu'u Ncha'i chi Kuchi tsi chi Ninu . Cha kacho ña'a ntui ra koi yee . Sava ntaa chi Kuchi nania " Hemisferio Kuchi " , cha sava ntaa chi Ninu nania " Hemisferio Ninu " .

Hemisferios chi Kuchi cha chi Ninu

Kunchee ña " Polo " tsi " Hemisferio " siin siin kui . " Polo " kunia kachia nuu tsinu iin eje ( ka'vi nta'a tutu 5 ) . Cha " Hemisferio " kunia kachia sava Ñu'u Ncha'i ( ka'vi nta'a tutu 8 ) .

Ña tsa'ncha ma'i sava ntaa Ñu'u Ncha'i tsio kua'a tsi tsio sachi

Ña tsan'cha ma'i sava ntaa Ñu'u Ncha'i tsio kua'a tsi tsio sachi nania " Meridiano " . Cha kacho ña'a ntui ra koi . Kitsai chi kuchi cha tsai mancha chi ninu . Tsio kua'a nani " Hemisferio Kua'a " , cha tsio sachi nani " Hemisferio Sachi " .

Hemisferios Kua'a tsi Sachi

Su'a na'a ntintuu tsio ; tsio kua'a tsi tsio sachi . Kunchee ko ña yee uvi tsio . Inkaa ñu'u ña América tsio sachi ( Hemisferio sachi ) . Cha ñu'u África tsi Ñu'u Europa inkai tsio kua'a ( Hemisferio kua'a ) .

Ñu'u Ncha'i ka tsiko nui

Cha su'a kuu ña kaa Ñu'u Ncha'i nuu tsiko nui nikanchii . Cha tsiko nui iin kuia .

¿ Chanu va'a yee ntuu tsi tsikuaa ?

Tsa tsino ña Ñu'u Ncha'i yo'o kui tono iin tikuaa . Tsio kani nikanchii kui ntuu , cha tsio sa'vi nikanchii kui tsikuaa .

Ñu'u Ncha'i ka

Yee ñu'u tsi chikuii nuu Ñu'u Ncha'i . Yee kua'a ka chikuii cha xoo ka ñu'u . Yee ñu'u luu ka nania " islas " , cha inkai ma'i chikuii . Cha ñu'u ka'nu ka nania " continente " . Yee iñu " continente " nania : África , América , Antártida , Asia , Europa tsi Oceanía .

Hemisferio Sachi

Inkaa iin " continente " nani América nuu Hemisferio Sachi . Cha continente yo savi inkaa chi kuchi tsi ninu . Koo kue nivi Yee continente Antártida vari yee kua'a xeen yu'a cha vitsi xeen .

Hemisferio Kua'a

Inkaa kumi continente tsi Hemisferio Kua'a . Cha kue ño'o kuu Europa , África , Asia tsi Oceanía . Kuna'u ña iin continente kui iin ñu'u ka'nu .

Ñu'u Nko'yo

Cha Yee oko utsi iin ñuu ka'nu nania " estado " nuu Nko'yo . Cha Yee tuku utsi uni ñu'u kuachi ma'i chikuii yachi Baja California .

Ñu'u Ntua

Nuu Ñu'u Ncha'i kantu'u nuu Ñuu Ntua ita'in tsi sava ka kue Ñuu na'nu tsio tsinu nikanchii . Ita'in tsi Ñuu nani Chiapas tsi Veracruz . Nuu inkaa tsio keta nikanchii kantu'u Ñu'u ita'an tuku tsi ñuu nania Yucha Ncho'o . Ichi ninu inkaa " mar " nani " Océano Pacífico " . Ño'o kuu ntikumi tsio kue ña ita'an tsi ñuu Ntua .

Kue ñuu inkaa chi Kuchi

Kunchee ña Canadá tsi Estados Unidos inkaa kui chi kuchi . Cha Nko'yo inkai chi ninu ñuu Estados Unidos . Yee uxiko utsi kue estado nuu Estados Unidos . Ika kua'a nchu'a na ñoo ntee tsi kue se'e na . Kua'an na ntuku na xu'un takua na koo va'a kuena . Cha kua'an na ntisaan so kue ñuu Estados Unidos ka yee kuena .

Kue ñuu inkaa chi Ninu

Yee utsi uni ñuu nuu Ñu'u chi Ninu . Ika ka'an na siin siin sa'an tono sa'an xchila , portugués , francés , quechua tsi inka ka kue sa'an . Yee iin yucha ka'nu nchu'a ka nuu nii Ñu'u Nchai nania " Amazonas " .