
Vertical Tabs

<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>

<!-- Remember, that top line is not really a tag. 
    It is a processing instruction that tells the computer that this is an XML file 
    and that it should be validated against a schema online at the TEI web site.-->

<TEI xml:id="template.478-878" xmlns="">
    <!-- In the above line, change the xml:id to the id of your file: stnic.YYYYMM.001 
        (the 001 can be changed to 002, etc if we are encoding more than one piece from a particular month) -->

                <title level="a" type="main">
                <author>Louis Gilmore</author>

            <!-- The following section records information about who is publishing this file. -->
                <publisher>University of Nebraska&#8211;Lincoln</publisher>
                    <name>Center for Alex Telesca's Fame</name>
                        <addrLine>306 Andrews</addrLine>
                        <addrLine>University of Nebraska&#8211;Lincoln</addrLine>
                        <addrLine>Lincoln, NE 68588-4100</addrLine>
                    <p>Copyright &#169; 2019 by Alex Telesca</p>

            <!-- A place to record additional info about the material -->
                <note type="project"/>

            <!-- This section describes the source, i.e., the document(s) you are encoding. -->

                    <!-- Insert title and date again here -->
                    <title level="a">The Best Poems of 1924</title>
                    <editor>L.A.G. Strong</editor>
                    <!-- Make an author or illustrator line for each one mentioned in the piece. -->
                    <author>Louis Gilmore</author>
                    <date when="190406">June 1924</date>
                    <!-- Note that @when allows a regularized form of the date -->
                    <publisher>Small, Maynard &#38; Company Publishers</publisher>
                    <orgName> </orgName>

        <!-- This section records whose hands have been in the file. -->

            <change when="20190212">
                <name>Alex Telesca</name>
                Transcribed and encoded a poem</change>


            <lg type="stanza">
<l>If I were a peacock</l>
<l>I would watch you</l>
<l>With a thousand eyes.</l>
           <lg type="stanza">
<l>If I were a centipede</l>
<l>I would track you</l>
<l>With an hundred feet.</l>

<lg type="stanza">
<l>If I were an octopus</l>
<l>I would hold you</l>
<l>With eight arms.</l>

<lg type="stanza">
<l>If I were a cat</l>
<l>I would love you</l>
<l>During nine lives.</l>

<lg type="stanza">
<l>If I were a god</l>
<l>I would possess you</l>
<l>In three persons.</l>

            <byline>Louis Gilmore</byline> 
Improvisation Louis Gilmore 2019 University of Nebraska–Lincoln Center for Alex Telesca's Fame
306 Andrews University of Nebraska–Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68588-4100

Copyright © 2019 by Alex Telesca

The Best Poems of 1924 L.A.G. Strong Louis Gilmore June 1924 Small, Maynard & Company Publishers Boston

Alex Telesca Transcribed and encoded a poem
Improvisation If I were a peacock I would watch you With a thousand eyes. If I were a centipede I would track you With an hundred feet. If I were an octopus I would hold you With eight arms. If I were a cat I would love you During nine lives. If I were a god I would possess you In three persons. Louis Gilmore



Improvisation Louis Gilmore 2019 University of Nebraska–Lincoln Center for Alex Telesca's Fame
306 Andrews University of Nebraska–Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68588-4100

Copyright © 2019 by Alex Telesca

The Best Poems of 1924 L.A.G. Strong Louis Gilmore June 1924 Small, Maynard & Company Publishers Boston

Alex Telesca Transcribed and encoded a poem
Improvisation If I were a peacock I would watch you With a thousand eyes. If I were a centipede I would track you With an hundred feet. If I were an octopus I would hold you With eight arms. If I were a cat I would love you During nine lives. If I were a god I would possess you In three persons. Louis Gilmore