I created a user account for myself, signed in, went to TAPAS Commons, started to add a file, entered some metadata, and uploaded a TEI file.
When I saved it I got the following confirmation message:
"TAPAS TEI Record Letter written by Thomas Monroe from the United States General Hospital, Frederick City, Maryland, on June 26, 1865, to his friends Franklin and Polly Tanner, of South Granville, New York: a machine readable transcription has been created."
which was followed this error message:
"There was an error processing your item: The server is currently unreachable or returned a fatal error. Please try again or contact us to report the issue."
"Resource not found. Please try again or contact us to report the issue."
This is the file I uploaded, but it can't be rendered.
As instructed I'm contacting you about it.
Peter MacDonald